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Standard Methods Used for the Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Standard Methods Used for the Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis or DVT occurs when there is a blood clot in one of the deep veins in your body. Here is everything you need to know about the different methods used for the treatment of deep vein thrombosis. When you have a blood clot in one of the deep veins, you are suffering from deep vein thrombosis or DVT. Typically, DVT affects the deep vein in your leg, and may cause swelling and pain in the leg without any other symptoms. You are at a higher risk of developing DVT, if you smoke, are overweight, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and are over the age of 60. It is extremely important that you keep an eye out for the possible signs of DVT, if you have a high risk of developing it. Deep vein thrombosis is considered to be a serious medical condition because if the blood clots break loose from your vein, they can travel to your lungs and block the blood flow there, leading to a life-threatening complication called pulmonary embolism. Therefore, it is crucial to be on the lookout for the signs and symptoms of DVT. DVT can show no symptoms in some of the cases, at least initially.
Everything You Need to Know about Metastatic Lung Cancer Prognosis

Everything You Need to Know about Metastatic Lung Cancer Prognosis

Metastatic lung cancer is when cancer cells from the other areas of the body spread to your lungs. There are various methods that are used in the treatment of this form of cancer. Read on to know more about the metastatic lung cancer prognosis. Usually, cancer develops in one area of the body and this area is known as the ‘primary site’. Cancer cells have a unique ability to break free from these primary sites and travel to the other parts of your body either through the bloodstream or through the lymph system. A cancer is termed as metastatic cancer, when it spreads from the primary sites to the other parts of the body. You suffer from metastatic lung cancer, when cancer in the other areas of your body spreads to the lungs. Some of the primary tumors that can cause metastatic lung cancer are breast cancer, bladder cancer, sarcoma, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, and neuroblastoma. Metastatic lung cancer may not always show up in signs and symptoms. Even when you do start experiencing the symptoms, it may be quite difficult to identity this form of lung cancer, because the symptoms are similar to several other medical conditions.
Watch Out for These Osteoporosis Symptoms

Watch Out for These Osteoporosis Symptoms

Osteoporosis makes your bones fragile and brittle by reducing the quality of your bones. Read on to know more about the different osteoporosis symptoms. Osteoporosis is a disorder that causes your bones to become so weak and brittle that sometimes, even activities like bending over or coughing can cause a fracture. Some of the most common fractures associated with osteoporosis happen in your hip, wrist, and spine. About 200 million women all over the world suffer from this debilitating disorder, and it is more common in white and Asian women. As the bones are living tissue, the old bones in your body are constantly being broken down to create new bones and this rebuilding process is termed as ‘remodeling’. However, when the remodeling pace does not keep up with the pace of the breaking down of the bones, the bones become weak, brittle, and fragile, leading to osteoporosis. It is clear how this disorder develops over a period of time, however, what is not clear is what exactly causes osteoporosis. There are, however, certain risk factors that are associated with the development of this disorder. These are your race, body frame size, age, family history, sex, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and eating disorders.