10 Best Toenail Fungus Home Remedies

10 Best Toenail Fungus Home Remedies

Toenail fungus is called onychomycosis. It is a common infection of your toenail caused by fungal growth. It is identified with a yellow, brown or white discoloration of your toenail. Its spread would cause the nail to thicken and crack. There are various remedies and medicines to treat this condition.

Read about the best toenail fungus remedies below:

Vicks VapoRub
Vicks VapoRub is an ointment which is applied mainly to deal with a cough and cold. However, two of its active ingredients, eucalyptus oil, and camphor, can help in treating toenail fungus as well. It has been found in a study conducted in the year 2011 that this ointment had a positive and effective clinical outcome in treating toenail fungus. Apply a small quantity of Vicks VapoRub on the affected areas once in a day at least.

Snakeroot Extract
The antifungal snakeroot extract is collected from plants in the sunflower family. A study conducted in 2008 found out that it has the same effect in treating toenail fungus as the antifungal medication ciclopirox. For the study, patients applied snakeroot extract on the affected area every third day in the entire first month, then it reduced to twice a day in a week in the second month and final reduction to once a week in the third month.

Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is also known as Melaleuca. It is an essential oil with antiseptic and antifungal properties. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health suggested that tea tree oil has proven effective against toenail fungus in some cases. To use, pour a small quantity of tea tree oil in a cotton swab and apply on the affected area twice a day.

Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is a rich source of thymol which has antibacterial and antifungal properties as per a review was done in 2016. The oil has to be applied to the affected area with a cotton swab twice a day. Some people combine tea tree oil and oregano oil and apply to the infection. However, this has to be done with caution since both are very strong and potent and may cause allergic reaction or irritation. The risk increases if not done taking the medical suggestion.

Olive Leaf Extract
Olive leaf contains oleuropein which is believed to have immune-boosting, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. You can either apply olive leaf salve directly on the toenail fungus or have it in capsule form. Research suggests that it is better to take one to three capsules twice in a day with meals than applying the extract topically. This treatment needs the afflicted to drink lots of water throughout the day.

Ozonized Oil
Ozonized oils are normal oil like sunflower or olive oil which have been injected with ozone gas. It has been found in a 2011 study that ozone exposure for a short duration in low concentrations may make several organisms like yeast, fungi, and bacteria inactive. Another study found out that ozonized sunflower oil works better than the topical antifungal, ketoconazole to treat toenail fungus.

There is only anecdotal evidence to support the fact that vinegar can be used to treat toenail fungus. It is still a safe home remedy to consider. The remedy needs you to mix one part of vinegar with two parts of warm water and soak your foot in the solution for 20 minutes every day.

Listerine contains thymol, menthol, and eucalyptus which are known for their antifungal and antibacterial properties. This is probably the reason for its popularity as a folk remedy to treat toenail fungus. The treatment needs you to soak your foot with the affected part in a basin filled with amber-colored Listerine for about 30 minutes in a day.

A review published in 2009 has stated that garlic has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Hence, you can use it to treat toenail fungus. One must crush or chop garlic cloves and place them on the affected area for 30 minutes every day. One can also take garlic supplements instead of going for topical application. Take the supplement to cure yourself inside out. Take it as suggested by the manufacturer or your doctor.

Change in Diet
Your diet plays a great part in your health condition. If you eat healthy food, your body has a better chance to fight against ailments and conditions like toenail fungus.

Your body needs the following nutrients to fight against toenail fungus:

  • Protein-rich food to suffer nail regrowth.
  • Probiotic-rich yogurt.
  • A diet rich in essential fatty acids.
  • Vitamin D and calcium-rich foods like low-fat dairy products.

Contact a physician if you do not find these home remedies working for you even after using them for over a month. However, you must not wait that long if you have diabetes as people with diabetes are at greater risk of developing foot ulcers and other related problems when affected by toenail fungus.

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