10 Home Remedies for Chronic Constipation treatment

10 Home Remedies for Chronic Constipation treatment

Chronic constipation is caused when there are infrequent bowel movements on a usual basis. This condition makes it extremely difficult to pass stools for several days and can go one even for weeks. Constipation can be a condition on its own or can be a cause of a more severe disease.

People experience constipation on few occasions and that is considered be normal. However, when constipation becomes chronic, it can disrupt one’s daily life and interfere with the ability to go about doing daily tasks. It also leads to discomfort due to extreme strain in order to have a bowel movement.

There are several causes that may be responsible for chronic constipation. Not drinking enough water and follow a poor diet may be primary causes. However, there can be mechanical problems that lead to obstruction in the passing of stools. A blockage in the colon and rectum will hamper the smooth movement of stools and either slow down or stop the process altogether. The pelvic muscles that contribute to the movement of the bowels can be affected, causing chronic constipation. Diseases like diabetes and underactive thyroid or pregnancy in women too can lead to this condition due to an imbalance of hormones in the body.

Chronic constipation brings with several complications such as:

Anus fissure – If a stool cannot be easily passed, it can harden and tear the skin of the anus.

Swollen anus veins – Chronic constipation leads to straining and forceful bowel movement. These stains can swell the veins that are present inside the anus and around it too.

Hard stool accumulation – When stool is not naturally passed out, it begins to accumulate and harden. This hardened stool can get stuck in the intestine and cause severe complications.

Rectal prolapse – A strained bowel movement can also affect the rectum. Extreme pressure and straining can lead to the stretching of the rectum and cause a protruding from the anus.

As soon as an individual suffers from chronic constipation, he/she should consult a doctor. This is because there is some kind of abdominal pain that is associated with the condition. There are several tests that one may have to undergo before diagnoses. Blood tests are a commonly used method to understand the cause of the issue and look for a systemic condition such as thyroid. A physical examination will have to be undergone, followed by evaluation and examination of the rectum, colon, muscle speed, and more. In case of a more complex condition, the requirement for diagnosis will include an X-ray and MRI scan of the defecation muscles.

A doctor will prescribe several oral medications for chronic constipation treatment and a few rare cases, surgery may be the only option when treatment does not work. One can also try some home remedies that are simple and bring relief to discomfort.

Fibre-rich food – Fiber is necessary for an easy bowel movement. One should add more fibrous foods to the diet. A healthy diet that includes lots of vegetables, fruits, and grains lets the body pass out waste easily, as opposed to refined and artificial packed foods. Adding rice, apricots, berries, broccoli, etc., to the diet will bring a good amount of relief as it will soften the stool and makes it heavier. If enough fiber can not be consumed through one’s diet, fiber supplements can be added to meet the requirements.

Flaxseeds – Flaxseeds or flaxseed oil is one of the most popularly used natural chronic constipation treatment. It has the ability to increase the number of bowel movements and also coats the walls of the intestine. One teaspoon of flaxseed oil can be added to a glass of orange juice and consumed daily. Chewing one flax seeds daily can prevent constipation too.

Yogurt – It is necessary to keep the gut clean to ensure the smooth functioning of the digestive system. Yogurt packs good bacteria that keeps constipation at bay. One should enjoy a cup of yogurt daily to keep the probiotics flourishing.

Daily exercise – Exercising everyday helps in increasing movement and muscle activity in the intestines. Following a regular exercise regimen will not only keep your guts healthy but your body too. However, an individual who suffers from any kind of diseases should talk to the one’s doctor before going ahead with an exercise program.

Aloe vera juice – Aloe vera is well-renowned for its beneficial medicinal properties. Drinking aloe vera juice can also soothe the inflammation in the tummy. Two spoons of aloe vera juice should be added to a glass of fresh juice and had every morning.

Baking soda – Baking soda is an element that works extremely well in chronic constipation treatment. It is a bicarbonate that releases the air from the tummy releases the pressure. It also neutralizes the acid in the stomach and helps in easy passage of stool. One teaspoon of baking soda should be added to a glass of warm water and gulped down quickly for better results.

Following one of the above chronic constipation treatments will help to a great extent in bringing comfort to the bowels.

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