1200 Calorie Diet Plan – A Healthy Weight Loss Plan

1200 Calorie Diet Plan – A Healthy Weight Loss Plan

If you are planning to shed a few pounds, the 1200 calorie diet plan is a good deal. The 1200 calorie diet is a good start as it only allows an intake of 1200 calories in a day, which is less than an average intake of 1900. A perfect plan for women leading a sedentary lifestyle, this diet plan helps in losing extra pounds sticking to the belly. However, remember, the 1200 calorie diet is not a way of life, it is a tailored plan that helps to lose weight faster and in a healthy fashion.

Before you plan to put yourself on the 1200 calorie diet, remember, there is no easy way to lose accumulated fat; it requires dedication and honesty with one’s self. The plan aims at consuming lesser calories than the body burns and in this way the body starts burning stubborn fat. A7-day diet plan, it is packed with carbohydrates, proteins, and fats without crossing the prescribed limitation. Another advantage of this diet plan is that it has a lot of food items that are recommended, from lean proteins to legumes, organ meat to fresh fruits and vegetables, everything is allowed in this plan but in limited quantity.

Let’s see what an ideal day of the 1200 calorie diet plan has to offer:

Breakfast – Most important meal of the day, it is important to fuel up the body to efficiently carry out day-to-day activities. If the only way you can shake off morning blues is by having a cup of tea, then have it, but don’t put sugar in it. You can start your day by having a glass of milk (without sugar) or buttermilk. Along with it, you can eat wholesome cereal like porridge or oats. On other days, you can replace cereal with a slice of multi-grain bread and a slice of cottage cheese or protein-packed pancake.

Breakfast should not be anything less than 335–340 calories. Never skip your breakfast for if you miss it, the metabolism is affected. The body becomes lethargic and is low on energy.

Mid-morning snacking – Eat a whole fruit to curb those hunger pangs. Fruits like apples, banana, pears, or a bowl of papaya instantly fill the tummy.

Lunch – Lunch should ideally be a power packed meal comprising of whole wheat bread, 1 bowl of lentils or 100 gms of chicken, and 150 gms of seasonal vegetables along with a bowl of curd.

5 p.m. snack – The body gets tired halfway through the day. It needs constant fueling up to be able to get through the day. Having a light snack in the evening boosts metabolism. A bowl of popcorn, for instance, is an ideal evening snack. However, make sure it is not loaded with butter.

Dinner – The last meal of the day, dinner should be light and should be eaten three hours before sleeping time. Dinner portion must include a small portion of vegetable soup, one whole wheat bread, 100 gms of chicken or 120 gms of fish, and 150 gms of seasonal vegetables, a bowl of curd, or skimmed milk puddings.

While following the 1200 calorie diet, avoid or limit the intake of artificially sweetened drinks and alcohol. Also, you can use flavored vinegar or lime juice to season your food.

Rich in nutrients, cereals are high in fiber and are excellent sources of energy. Dieticians often advise to include variations in the diet to shed those extra pounds. Cereal flours can be used to make bread, pancakes, or can be used as porridge (when in grain form). It is always good to have a breakfast loaded with multi-grain cereal as it helps to keep the tummy full for a longer period as compared to sugar-coated cereals. For instance, use multi-grain bread with lots of raw vegetables to make a healthy sandwich or oats dough to make delicious and healthy pancakes.

Proteins are necessary and help in repairing the body muscles. It also helps in maintaining hormones and immunity. With a diet comprising of protein and cereals, it is normally seen that cereal consumption is reduced. Cottage cheese, tofu, and lentils are excellent sources of protein. Chicken, fish, and eggs are a good option for non-vegetarians.

Remember, never eliminate fat from your diet. Instead, control total calorie intake and use the right amount of fats in your food. Although vegetable oils are healthy, it is advised to change your cooking oil every month. This helps the body absorb nutrients available in different oils and work better. Your daily meal should be cooked in 1tsp of oil.

A balanced diet is a key to fit your needs. Calories play a pivotal role in determining both weight loss and weight gain. A healthy weight loss plan must encourage balanced calorie intake to promote weight loss. You can choose this plan based on your needs and on the recommendation of your dietician. The 1200 calorie diet is one such plan that can be followed easily.

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