3 Effective Tips for Maintaining Normal Blood Sugar Range

3 Effective Tips for Maintaining Normal Blood Sugar Range

A normal blood sugar range can be extremely different scenarios for a diabetic and a non-diabetic. Usually, 70 mg/dL to 140 mg/dL is considered to be a normal blood sugar range. On the other hand, 140 mg/dL to 180 mg/dL is a relatively raised level of blood sugar. However, this isn’t a diabetic condition but a major red flag indicating its possible onset. Anything above 180 mg/dL specifies as a diabetic condition, i.e., hyperglycemia.

Some of the symptoms of hyperglycemia are headaches, unexplained weight loss, weakness, excessive thirst, frequent urination, decreased concentration, blurry eyesight, etc.

For most diabetics, normal blood sugar ranges between 70 mg/dL to 140 mg/dL before eating anything and below 180 mg/dL two hours after having meals. But these levels can surge when you –

  • Miss insulin shots or sugar control medications
  • Consume food containing high levels of sugar
  • Are battling with any illness
  • Are dealing with mental pressure
  • Not adequately active

Why is it essential to monitor your blood sugar range?
Blood sugar monitoring on a regular basis on a regular basis is a healthy practice for any individual. However, for people who have diabetes examining blood sugar levels is of utmost significance. The following points explain how keeping normal blood sugar range in check can benefit you.

  • You will get a better perspective about how well your treatment is working.
  • It helps you make necessary changes in your lifestyle, diet, and medication if in case the results are unfavorable.
  • Self-monitoring the blood sugar range makes you more disciplined, and this can have a positive effect on your overall health.
  • Keeping an eye on your blood sugar will also help evade any potential health scares caused due to diabetes such as vision and nerve damages, cardiovascular diseases, kidney disorders, circulatory problems, intestinal complications and slow healing.

How can you efficiently maintain a normal blood sugar range?
Diabetes management can be extremely tricky, and it varies for every patient. For some diabetes could be a result of genetics, and for some, it could occur due to issues like obesity. Although, with the inclusion of some healthy habits, you can comfortably accomplish a normal blood sugar range.

Diet – What you consume dramatically affects your sugar levels. Therefore, you must plan for a balanced diet that promotes healthy body functions. Ditch carbohydrates and refined sugars and opt for a regime that includes generous amounts of protein, healthy fats and fiber. These control the absorption of sugar in the blood and facilitate incredible metabolism rate and digestive processes.

  • Protein – For a normal blood sugar range, get ample of protein from sources like probiotics (yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, raw cheeses, etc.), eggs, salmon, shellfish, chicken, buffalo or lamb meat.
  • Fiber – Some of the best food ingredients having high-fiber content are apples, whole grains, flaxseeds, avocados, leafy vegetables, sprouted beans, sweet potatoes, artichokes, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, carrots, etc.
  • Healthy fats – Say goodbye to the processed products and fast foods and cook your meals at home. Use virgin coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil and unprocessed butter for preparing your food. Include nuts and seeds such as flax, chia, etc. to amp up the levels of healthy fats in your body.

Apart from the above three elements, make sure that you include plenty of fresh herbs, spices, herbal beverages, etc. in your diet. If you want to sweeten up your recipes, then use natural sweeteners such as organic honey or maple syrup, blackstrap molasses, etc. When it comes to alcohol, try to have it in moderation or avoid it altogether as it can quickly boost the blood sugar range.

Mental health – Stress can instantly fluctuate the chemical levels in the body. In such situations, the body responds by raising the stress hormone known as cortisol which can lead to a high blood sugar range. This can cause you to indulge in binge eating or drinking. In some cases, stress can also trigger a loss of appetite. Both scenarios are an unhealthy approach towards diabetes management. You can use meditation or yoga to keep your mental peace in check. Quick breathing techniques can also help you get rid of the anxiety. Also, ensure to spend a few hours of the day outside or with family or friends to take your mind off the tensions. Moreover, ensure that you get sufficient sleep so that your body is in a healthier state to deal with diabetes.

Workout – Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day can help your body use up all the extra sugar in your blood. Working out for a long time can also encourage the body cells to become receptive to insulin and prevent further resistance. A brisk walk, light jogging, swimming, etc. can motivate to lighten up your mood. Apart from lowering blood sugar levels, exercising will also improve immunity and hormonal balances.

PlushCare provides online medical services through video consultations. This treatment provider operates with an extensive network of experienced medical professionals. The PlushCare app helps you book appointments, schedule consultations, and request prescriptions from anywhere on the go. A live chat feature enables seamless communication with the primary care team for follow-ups and suggestions.

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