4 Best Vitamins For Fibromyalgia

4 Best Vitamins For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is characterized by the symptom of acute pain in the muscles and the joints of the body. It can severely affect the day-to-day life of a person. Since it is associated with muscle and joint ailment, it is pretty easy to misunderstand the condition. The correct diagnosis might be delayed because the conventional diagnostic tools can’t detect fibromyalgia. Despite the fact that fibromyalgia has no cure, it can be successfully managed with a combination of measures like healthy diet, daily exercise, stress management, and medications.

Body pain accompanied by acute tiredness and disturbed sleep is a distinct sign of fibromyalgia. Several experts suggest that the vitamins play a crucial role in helping the condition of fibromyalgia. Therefore, if you are suffering from fibromyalgia, then you should consider increasing the intake of the following mentioned vitamins.

  • Vitamin D – One of the most useful vitamins for fibromyalgia treatment is Vitamin D. Although the experts are not clear about the exact effect, it is suggested that Vitamin D can provide respite from the pain and muscle cramps associated with fibromyalgia. Generally, doctors do carry out a blood test so that the levels of Vitamin D in the body can be monitored. In case the Vitamin D level is low then your doctor may suggest taking a supplement. Stick the dosage prescribed by your doctor, otherwise prolonged overdose of Vitamin D could lead to kidney and cardiac problems. If you want to avoid supplements, then increase the intake of foods rich in Vitamin D like egg yolks, salmons, milk, mushrooms, oatmeal, sardines, and herring.
  • SAM-e – SAM-e is another natural element in the body that could be quite beneficial in easing the pain and effects of fibromyalgia. It helps to prevent inflammation in the body that causes pain. Studies by several researchers have revealed that a regulate intake of SAM-e, for a span of 6 weeks, could help reduce the pain and also cut down the tenderness levels in the muscles and fatigue arising from fibromyalgia. Since this compound isn’t found in foods, it has to be taken in the form of a supplement, which is only to be consumed under a doctor’s supervision.
  • Magnesium – Magnesium is another one of the crucial vitamins for fibromyalgia treatment. It can help alleviate a lot of its symptoms.
    It can be found in abundance in green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. Magnesium plays a crucial part in regulating nerve and muscle function. Usually, it has been found that the natural diet that we eat can be low in magnesium. This is one of the main reasons why many doctors suggest the intake of supplements. There are a large variety of magnesium supplements that are available in the market. In most cases, a regular intake of magnesium is safe for a large number of people. However, you should still consult your physician about the dosage patterns.
  • 5-HTP – 5-HTP is another natural substance that can be considered to be one of the vital vitamins for improving the condition of fibromyalgia. 5-HTP gets converted to serotonin in your body and is one of the most critical chemicals in the brain for mood stabilization. The level of serotonin will affect the level of pain that you can handle. Studies show that people who have a low level of serotonin are the ones who have a tendency to develop fibromyalgia. Regularly consuming 5-HTP supplements can help you overcome the problem of fibromyalgia. Stick to your doctor’s prescription for best results.

Apart from the vitamin and supplements mentioned above, you can also try using:

  • Turmeric – Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory agent that is often considered to be one of the best spices/additions to food. While not strictly falling under the vitamins for fibromyalgia category, turmeric is considered to be one of the effective remedies for all kinds of inflammation. This is because turmeric contains curcumin, which fights any swelling and pain in the body, joints, and muscles.
  • Capsaicin – Capsaicin is also used for fibromyalgia treatment. There are a number of creams available in the market that contain capsaicin extracts. When applied to the affected area capsaicin can help reduce the pain signals sent by the nerves of the body. However, you should be careful while using capsaicin creams as they might burn your skin.

Research and investigations are still ongoing for fibromyalgia treatment. With these studies underway, you can expect better remedies and preventive measures for fibromyalgia in the future. In the meanwhile, you can try out the ones mentioned above to get relief from the symptoms. Along with vitamins for fibromyalgia, you should also work out on a regular basis and manage your stress.

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