4 breakfast options to help maintain blood sugar levels

4 breakfast options to help maintain blood sugar levels

It is vital to eat better to ensure one’s overall health is maintained. In cases where someone has diabetes, it becomes more crucial to choose the right foods to control the blood sugar. Rapid and unchecked changes in its levels can lead to complications. One of the simplest ways to maintain blood sugar is by choosing the right breakfast food; accordingly, here are some of the top breakfast options a person with diabetes can have.

4 breakfast foods that help maintain blood sugar levels

Eggs are a healthy and reliable source of essential nutrients, including proteins, for the body. Paired with sauteed vegetables or a slice of toasted bread topped with seed seasoning, eggs never fail to make for perfect breakfast food. Its high-quality fat and abundance of nutrients also ensure that the blood sugar level is controlled without erratic spikes and dips.

Chia seed pudding
Chia seeds are known for their high omega-3 fatty acid content and their ability to soak up to ten times the quantity of water in comparison to their weight. This promotes a feeling of fullness, and the high fiber content keeps the blood sugar control maintained. Add your choice of nuts, fruits, and/or seeds to soaked chia seeds. Unflavored yogurt or milk can also be used as a base for the pudding. Conversely, chia seeds can also be added to the bowl of oatmeal to increase its nutritional value.

Avocado toast
Like chia seeds, avocado, too, is a rich source of fiber, monounsaturated fatty acids, and other nutrients deemed important for the body. It also helps one feel full for longer. Avocados can be inculcated into breakfast menus in the form of avo toasts, a bowl of guacamole, avo oats, and/or smoothies containing avocados. One can also have sliced avocado with some lime juice and seasoning to control their blood sugar levels.

Yogurt bowl
Greek yogurt is one of the tastiest and healthiest breakfast options to include on a diabetic patient’s menu. It is rich in proteins and probiotics, tastes fantastic, and can help one maintain blood sugar levels. The probiotics improve gut health and, in turn, help with controlling the symptoms of diabetes. Instead of opting for sweetened yogurt, opt for the unsweetened variety and add in some fresh or frozen berries along with nuts or seeds.

It is common practice to have a beverage along with breakfast. Those with diabetes could try beverages like tea. Some of the best teas to manage blood sugar levels include green tea, black tea, chamomile tea, and ginger tea. These contain antioxidants and other nutrients that could help one stay healthy.

Maintaining blood sugar levels is crucial for diabetics. If diabetes is left untreated, it can lead to a number of complications including diabetic retinopathy. This leads to damage to blood vessels in the eye. In the early stages, diabetic retinopathy can cause mild vision troubles, but as the condition progresses it could lead to blindness. 

Kerendia® is a prescription for individuals suffering from chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes. This treatment option blocks the overactivation of certain proteins and comes in the form of tablets. The recommended dosage is determined by doctors. Tradjenta® is another option used to lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. This pill is to be taken once a day.

Ozempic® is used to manage blood sugar levels in adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Using this injection pen helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions as well. Doctors may suggest making nutritional changes and having an exercise routine along with taking Ozempic to improve your condition. The dosage prescribed by the doctors must be strictly followed.

PlushCare is ideal for emergency solutions, as it provides online medical care for urgent, primary, and mental health. It gives access to affordable and personalized care to insured and non-insured individuals for urgent and ongoing ailments. PlushCare has highly-skilled doctors on board with an average experience of 15 years. Individuals can book an appointment from their smartphones, chat with doctors via video, and pick up medical supplies from a pharmacy. PlushCare is available in all 50 states.

Toujeo® is an insulin glargine injection. It is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes mellitus. It can also be used for children aged six and above. Toujeo® must be taken once a day at a fixed hour regularly. However, patients with low blood sugar who are allergic to insulin must avoid the injection.

Novavax is one of the clinically approved vaccines. And according to research trials conducted to test the efficacy of these vaccines, no evidence has been found to support the claims that comorbidities like diabetes can affect the vaccination. Novavax works well with those who already have diabetes and has been deemed safe for booster shots among adults.

Paxlovid is an antiviral intervention to curb the spreading of infectious diseases and helps control their symptoms. These tablets must be taken only under a doctor’s guidance; moreover, individuals with high blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc., must discuss their medical histories with healthcare professionals before starting the treatment course.

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