4 Common Medications that Ease Hypertension

4 Common Medications that Ease Hypertension

Hypertension, medically known as high blood pressure, is a common condition that affects a large majority of individuals across the world. An individual’s blood pressure depends on the amount of blood that is being pumped by the heart, the size of the arteries, and the amount of resistance it faces, among other factors. The narrower the arteries, the higher the blood pressure. If left untreated, hypertension can eventually cause long-term health problems including several heart diseases, strokes, and even eye damage.

Many individuals go for long periods without being aware that they have hypertension. Fortunately, this condition can be easily diagnosed and treated with the right medication.

Why you should choose GoodRx

Medications can be an expensive affair. This statement is, unfortunately, true irrespective of the class of the drug or the disease the individual suffers from. However, it does not have to stay this way. With the help of GoodRx and its gold membership, you can gain massive discounts on various prescribed and generic over-the-counter medications. You can start by availing this benefit with a 30-day free trial period.

Medication for hypertension

Hypertension can be diagnosed with the help of regular blood pressure check-ups. When it comes to treating hypertension, there are four different categories of medication, namely, thiazide diuretics (TZD); calcium channel blockers (CCB); angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE); and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB). Some of the common medications under each of these categories are:

  • Prinivil

Belonging to the ACE drug class, Prinivil is a common and inexpensive drug that is used to treat hypertension and heart diseases. It is also used to reduce the risk of death after a cardiac arrest. This medication is made available by most brands, and can be found at discounted prices at some pharmacies. In fact, with GoodRx Gold , you can get a whopping 81 percent off on this lifesaver.

  • Toprol XL

Toprol XL consists of metoprolol succinate, a beta-blocker, and is another mediation that can be used to treat hypertension, chest pain, and heart failure. It can be had after a heart attack, in order to prevent another one from occurring. With the GoodRx gold plan, you can pay as little as $6.00 for this medication.

  • Cozaar

Cozaar is another medication that is used to treat high blood pressure. It also helps reduce the risk of a stroke and the progression of conditions of the kidney in diabetic patients. Belonging to the ARB drug class, Cozaar is among the most popular medications in this range. It can be availed with a staggering discount of 89 percent with a GoodRx gold membership.

  • Lasix

Lasix is a common drug that is used to treat hypertension. It can also be used to tackle edema along with kidney, heart, and liver diseases. This medication contains furosemide, which is available both in generic and brand forms. With GoodRx Gold , you can get Lasix at a discounted rate of $2.58, thereby 77 percent on the original price

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