5 Easy Home Remedies For Treating Shingles Rash

5 Easy Home Remedies For Treating Shingles Rash

Shingles rashes are a form of viral infection which leads to the formation of a painful rash. Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States of America has found out that one in every three people in the country will eventually develop shingles, once in their lifetime.

Varicella-zoster virus is responsible for this viral infection. Incidentally, this is the same virus which is responsible for chickenpox formation.

Shingles virus lies in the dormant stage in people who have suffered from chickenpox during their childhood years. This virus can get reactivated and cause the development of shingles rash in a person. This rash can develop in any part of the body but usually affects small areas only.

The first symptom of the development of shingles rash is an evolution of a mild pain. Fever, sensitivity to light and development of fatigue are also some signs that shingles rash is on the way.

Shingles rash treatments are few and doctors usually recommend antiviral medications which reduce the impact of this virus infestation.

Below are listed some effective and natural shingles rash treatments.

Bath which heals
If the blisters are cleared on a daily basis, it reduces the chances of this infection from spreading further. The person affected from shingles rash should take a shower bath which will help in soothing the skin. This cool effect of the water will calm down the itching and will prevent the development of further blisters.

Use of cool compress
A cool and moist compress can also be applied in the area where shingles development has taken place. Doing this multiple times in a day will definitely help in reducing the incidence of itching and will relieve the symptoms of the shingles rash. This is one of the effective shingles rash treatments.

Alternatively, a cloth soaked in cold water can also be applied on the rash and blisters. The cool effect emitting from the compress will help in reduction of the pain. This process should be repeated as often as it is required. However, care should be taken to ensure that an ice pack is not applied on the rash.

Use baking soda and cornstarch paste
A paste made out of cornstarch or baking soda and water can also be used to relieve pain emitting out of shingles rash. For preparing this paste two parts of cornstarch or baking soda are added to a cup which has one part of water. This mixing should be done until the time desired consistency and thickness of paste are achieved.

This mixture is then applied on the rash. It should ideally be left for 10-15 minutes, and this practice of using baking soda and starch paste should be repeated often throughout the day.

Use of lotions and creams
Prolong formation of shingles rash might occur if these are scratched often. Soothing location and creams should be used in case the use of baking soda, cool compress and healing bath do not help. It must be understood here that use of lotions and creams do not fasten the healing process but will definitely provide some cooling. Use of perfumed lotions should, however, be avoided as this can lead to further rash formation.

Ointments which contain capsaicin can also be used for reducing the incidence of the shingles rash. These ointments can be used three to four times in a day. The anti-inflammatory effect can help in reducing the pain emitting from shingles rash.

These natural shingles rash treatments are very effective and do not have any side effect which might occur if medications without guidance from a doctor are taken.

Dietary remedies which can be tried
In addition to above-listed shingles rash treatments, some dietary remedies can also be tried to reduce the incidence of the shingles rash. These are effective as any weak immune system is always prone to shingles rash development. These dietary changes can help strengthen the immune system and thus prevent shingles rash from spreading to other areas of the body even if they have developed in any part of the body.

A diet which can be taken to strengthen the immune system and prevent shingles rash from striking can ideally include foods which are rich in vitamin A, B-12, C, and E. In addition, some foods which promote healing can also be included in the diet. These foods include orange and yellow fruits, green leafy vegetables, egg, chicken, red meat, tomatoes, and spinach.

However, a person who suffers from shingles rash should avoid taking certain food items which primarily include food items which have a fair composition of sugar and food that are rich in arginine. These typically include chocolate, nuts, and gelatins. Food rich in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats should also be avoided if a person is affected by shingles rash.

Shingles virus infection can last from two to seven weeks. Though it is not life-threatening, it can cause some weakness in the person. Try the above-listed remedies and shingles rash treatments and protect yourself from the dangers of the shingles rash.

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