5 natural supplements and vitamins to treat tardive dyskinesia

5 natural supplements and vitamins to treat tardive dyskinesia

Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a rare neurological disorder in which individuals experience involuntary and unusual movements in the mouth and the surrounding muscles. Some patients may also experience symptoms in the neck, arms, or legs. This disorder occurs as a result of prolonged usage of certain neuroleptics medication. These medicines are often prescribed to manage mental, neurological, or gastrointestinal disorders and are usually only prescribed for a shorter period of time.

Tardive dyskinesia can be treated with the help of medication and certain natural vitamins and supplements. Some such vitamins and supplements and their natural sources are:

When suffering from medication-induced tardive dyskinesia, the doctors may prescribe certain medicines that contain the appropriate amount of manganese. This condition can be prevented by ingesting at least 15 milligrams of manganese in a day, either through supplements or natural sources, such as nuts, soy, whole grains, and leafy vegetables.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an essential vitamin that is necessary for the smooth functioning of the body. This vitamin is a group of eight fat-soluble compounds (four tocopherols and four tocotrienols) that act as antioxidants in the body. When an individual suffers from tardive dyskinesia, the doctor may advise them to consume vitamin E supplements daily. Foods that are rich sources of vitamin E include seeds, nuts, green leafy vegetables, or vegetable oils.

Ginkgo biloba
One of the most commonly recommended natural remedies to help reverse tardive dyskinesia is Ginkgo biloba. This plant is incredibly rich in powerful antioxidants and is said to be quite effective in neurological and psychological disorders. Ginkgo biloba can also help in improving brain function and heart health. Moreover, it helps in reducing reduce anxiety and depression to some extent.

Vitamin B6
Consuming vitamin B6 while undergoing treatment for tardive dyskinesia is quite helpful in reducing the overall symptoms to some extent. This vitamin can be derived from poultry, seafood, oats, and bananas.

Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally released in the body by the pineal gland. This hormone controls sleep-wake cycles and is also a powerful antioxidant that causes the release of dopamine in the body from the hypothalamus. Melatonin is available in the form of medication over the counter. However, one can slightly elevate the amount of melatonin in their body by sleeping adequately and participating in relaxing activities.

Valbenazine helps treat tardive dyskinesia by decreasing the abnormal dopamine function in the brain and reducing involuntary movements in various body parts. This prescription belongs to a class called vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) inhibitors. Doctors usually prescribe this capsule to be taken once a day.

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