5 Popular Diet Plans for Men

5 Popular Diet Plans for Men

Do you often hear your office colleague brag about his cool new diet? Are you looking for the best diet plan that will give you the perfect body you desire? If yes, then before going ahead and following the same diet as your colleague, you should know that not all diets work the same way for everyone. So, blindly starting someone else’s diet that they swear by, won’t be your smartest move.

Every week you will find a new fad diet featured in your favorite health magazine. How do you know what is the ultimate diet for you? The answer is that you won’t know until you try it. The best thing to do for all those men who are looking for a diet plan is to try and explore all their options and follow what works best for them.

One thing you should know though is that most diets are inevitably short-term goals. Some diets don’t have fats while some don’t have carbs. With so many restrictions, you are bound to feel overwhelmed and quit your diet. The best thing to do in this case is to find a well-balanced diet which you are confident about and which you see yourself following in the long run.

Here are some of the best diet plans you can follow:

  • Atkins diet
    Atkins diet is one of the best diet plans for weight loss in men. The best thing about this low-carb diet is that you won’t have to say goodbye to delicious food items like bacon, cheese, cream, and dark chocolate. Atkins diet has four phases that need to be followed to get the desired weight. The first phase is called induction, where you reduce your carb intake to mere 20 grams or less per day. This is then followed by phases of balancing, finetuning, and maintenance, in which gradually you increase your intake of healthy carbs. The whole idea of this diet is you can eat as much protein and fat as you wish to and still lose weight by just avoiding carbs. Always consult a nutritionist before starting this diet because, if not done right, you might suffer from side-effects like dizziness, nausea, and fatigue.
  • Ornish diet
    The Ornish diet is one of the best diet plans yet one of the most difficult ones to stick to. It is a low-fat diet for men who wish to lose weight. This diet may not be that hard for you if you are a vegetarian or vegan, but if you are a meat lover, it would require a lot of restraining from your end. In this diet, you are instructed to eat a lot of fruits, veggies, legumes, and fibers. It is a vegetarian diet which discourages you to eat meat and sweets. Along with food, this diet also focuses on exercising and indulging in physical activities. The Ornish diet is a great way of ensuring you lose weight, have a healthy heart and lead a stress-free life.
  • Zone   diet
    The Zone diet is again one of the best diet plans for men, as it is realistic and doable. The Zone diet promotes a healthy weight loss of around 1–1.5 pounds every week. It does not restrict you from eating anything specific, as long as you eat it in limited quantity. The Zone diet follows a simple rule: 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbs every day.  It encourages men to have 1500 calories every day, which is achieved by a planned eating schedule consisting of 3 meals and 2 snacks in a day.
  • Mediterranean diet
    The Mediterranean diet focuses on maximum protein intake for muscle building. This diet is perfect for all the athletes and the gym freaks out there. The diet gets its name from the fact that it is inspired by the eating habits and diet of the people living in Spain, Italy, France, and other Mediterranean countries. This diet promotes healthy food choices and is all about eating fruits, veggies, olive oil, and wine. Studies have found that the Mediterranean diet is one of the best diet plans for a healthy heart, weight loss, and a long life. It is also said to reduce your chances of suffering from diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
  • South beach diet
    The South beach diet is another popular diet that finds its place in the list of the best diet plans for men. There are two types of carbs in foods: good and bad carbs. The South beach diet encourages us to stay clear of the bad carbs. Along with the bad carbs, it also enables us to avoid the intake of fats. The idea behind this diet is that you eliminate the bad carbs from your system and bring your insulin under control. In the first phase of this diet, which lasts for two weeks, you avoid carbs as much as you can. Then you gradually add good carbs into your diet. It comprises lots of lean protein which you get from lean beef, meat, eggs, seafood, and beans. The South beach diet is best if you suffer from diabetes or any heart diseases.

Before trying anything from the above list of the best diet plans, pay a visit to your nutritionist. Starting a diet without having proper knowledge about it would do you more harm than help you.

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