5 things to avoid before bed for better sleep

5 things to avoid before bed for better sleep

You may experience nights where no matter how tired you feel, your mind refuses to let you sleep. This could happen despite a busy day and having gone to bed at a reasonable hour. Research shows that the secret to good sleep is more than just hitting the sack early. Your activities and habits before bedtime are crucial. So, here is a list of five things you must avoid before going to bed.

5 things to stay away from before going to bed

Using electronics
Nine times out of ten, people scroll through various social media sites after getting into bed. The blue light from the gadgets and the constant stimulation from the media keep your mind awake and make it difficult to fall asleep early. Instead of reaching for your phone or laptop before bed, reach for a calming book to get a good night’s sleep.

Eating a large, heavy meal
Consuming an entire pizza or a couple of tacos may not be the best idea to eat right before hitting the bed. Our digestive system is meant to rest while we sleep. The process of digestion is also the slowest at night, and a heavy meal can cause complications like disturbed sleep. Avoid having more than a few drinks five to six hours before bedtime if you have bladder problems.

Sipping on caffeinated drinks
A cup of coffee may make you feel energized in the morning, but as the day ends, it could result in restless nights. Caffeine has a half-life of about six to eight hours, which means any caffeinated drink you drink after 3 pm could make your nights uncomfortable and leave you will a feeling of tiredness when you wake up.

Watching horror films
You may want to end your tiring day by watching a movie, but avoid watching slasher or horror genres. Watching scary movies before you sleep could trigger the stress hormone cortisol, which will then keep you awake at night. Choose a nature documentary instead. Practicing meditation can also help you relax.

Getting into serious conversations
Having a serious conversation or an argument just before bed is not a good idea. You may keep playing the conversation in your head and think of clever comebacks or even rationalizations. All these thoughts can stimulate you and keep you from falling asleep at night. Also, avoid discussing important decisions to be made or anything work-related if possible.

Apart from giving up the above habits, you must use the right mattress for better sleep. Consider brands like WinkBeds and GhostBed. They might seem expensive, but you can avail of GhostBed and WinkBeds mattress discounts and get them for an affordable price. You can choose from split adjustable mattresses, hybrid mattresses, and more. These are available in different sizes, including the famous California king size. If you’re looking to redo your home décor, CV Linens is the place to start. The brand has fantastic discounts on table cloths, table runners, chair drapes, and more.

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