5 toxic smells that trigger migraine

5 toxic smells that trigger migraine

Various odors and fragrances surround us, but not everyone is tolerant of them. Especially for people with migraine, different strong smells can act as a trigger because of smell sensitivity. Inhalation of these strong odors can lead to dizziness, headaches and other health issues. One can also look for ways to prevent a migraine attack due to such odors. Here are some odors that can be toxic to people with migraine:

Car exhaust
Car exhausts are among the leading cause of environmental pollution. The gas leak from car exhausts is therefore understandably harmful. The leak has a very strong odor and can be the reason for high CO or carbon monoxide gas buildup over time. These fumes often cause nausea, shortness of breath, headaches, and dizziness.

Cleaning supplies
Cleaning supplies often contain Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs. These emit gases that may or may not have a strong smell. Exposure to these gases can cause headaches and respiratory issues. They are considered toxic and are often the reason for migraines. Additionally, VOCs can also turn out to be carcinogenic for some people. Therefore, it is essential to use VOC-free cleaning products.

Oil-based paints
Oil-based paints also contain VOCs. These solvents get released into the environment once the paint is applied on any surface. These VOCs find their way into the body on inhalation, leading to dizziness and migraine. Alternatively, opting for odor-free or water-based paints is also a suitable option.

Gasoline emits potent vapors that hold the ability to dilate blood vessels. The unnecessary change in the state of blood vessels combined with the strong odors can lead to debilitating migraines and a heavy head. Gasoline generally contains more than 100 chemicals that make it toxic for anyone inhaling it. Using nose plugs is a safe way forward for people who work at places near gasoline or petroleum tanks.

Scented products
Most people that are prone to migraines are also sensitive to scents or fragrances added in skincare, haircare, cosmetics, or even household goods. The potent fragrance present in them might be responsible for the inflammation or swelling up of blood vessels. Flower bouquets and scented candles can also act as a trigger.

Migraines can disrupt the daily routine and can be difficult to manage at times. Therefore, apart from avoiding triggers and leading the right lifestyle, there are medications that can help manage its symptoms and intensity. The new episodic migraine medication Ubrelvy® is a fast-acting option that is available with a doctor’s prescription. Unlike most migraine medications, this pill also helps at later stages of a migraine attack. Additionally, Ubrelvy® is a non-opioid and non-narcotic pain relief medication that can also help with chronic pain.

Along with making changes to eating habits, incorporating medications like Nurtec® rimegepant as migraine-relieving options can also prove effective. It is known to be helpful in both preventing and stopping migraine attacks. These are available in dissolvable tablets, and their results are visible within 60 minutes of taking them. You can have Nurtec® ODT on alternate days as a preventive measure against migraine. Various online pharmacies offer nurtec rimegepant Rx coupons that help bring down the cost of this medication and make it more affordable for patients.

Aimovig® is also known to help reduce the symptoms of migraine. 

Aimovig® (erenumab) is a prescription treatment used for preventing migraine attacks in adults. Migraine can be caused by calcitonin gene-related peptides (CGRP). CGRP is a type of protein that causes the blood vessels to dilate and triggers inflammation, leading to migraines. Aimovig® is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits the activation of this specific protein. Patients should take this antibiotic as directed by their healthcare provider. It is typically injected under the skin (subcutaneously) once every month. 

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