5 ways to manage gastrointestinal stromal tumor

5 ways to manage gastrointestinal stromal tumor

Cancer becomes harder to manage with each passing day. It impacts patients both physically and psychologically, making every day a battle. While it’s impossible to say which type of cancer impacts the worst, gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is among the trickiest ones. This is because the disease is rare and isn’t treated like other types of cancer. Chemo and targeted drugs are two major treatment options, although both have painful side effects. Fortunately, you can manage GIST yourself and lower its consequences. Here are five tips that can help you.

  • Eat smaller meals

Digestion often becomes difficult after having surgery for GIST. However, you cannot skip eating either, as your body needs nutrition to heal. One way to address the problem is to lower the portion size of your meals. So instead of having three large meals in a day, break it down into 5-6 smaller meals.

  • Avoid sugary foods and add more protein

Sugary foods can increase acidity that might worsen symptoms. Proteins and carbohydrates, meanwhile, will have the opposite effect. Therefore, it makes sense to add more protein sources to your diet. That said, consult your doctor or dietitian before adding or subtracting foods from your diet.

  • Don’t forget to exercise

Cancer is definitely tiring and might make you feel fatigued. Staying in bed, though, is not the right thing to do as the condition will lead to emotional distress. Exercise will lift your spirits that can help your body recover faster. Begin with light exercise, and don’t increase the intensity without consulting your doctor.

  • Get enough rest

Compromising on sleep can adversely affect your symptoms. So ensure that you get at least eight hours of sleep at night. If possible, try and squeeze in a short nap in the afternoon as well.

  • Seek help if you’re stressed

Cancer is an extremely serious disorder that takes a toll on your physical and mental health. Feeling low and stressed is absolutely normal, and there’s no need to feel ashamed. Talk to your doctor, family, and friends if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

The condition, characterized by a malignant tumor, begins in the nerve cells of the digestive system. With time, they mutate and affect the normal functioning of the cells in the organ. Patients experience symptoms like anemia, abdominal pain, and vomiting, and these further aggravate if the condition is not treated. Therefore, ensure that you consult your doctor at the earliest.

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