6 Delicious and Easy Snack Ideas That Are Uber-healthy

6 Delicious and Easy Snack Ideas That Are Uber-healthy

In today’s fast-paced life, finding time for yourself can be quite challenging. The sedentary lifestyle coupled with unhealthy eating habits can add a few extra pounds here and there. Being overweight can open the floodgates to a variety of illnesses that can be life-threatening in certain cases. Once people get a health scare, they try to mend their ways by eating right and exercising.

Adhering to a diet for the three major meals — breakfast, lunch, and dinner — isn’t a herculean task. What tests one’s conviction to lose weight and eat healthy are the snack times where our minds involuntarily wander to the hot dog stall outside the office or to the fries and burgers that are just a click away. These food items have an incredible way of enticing our taste buds, which is why we often deter from consuming something as bland as a salad.

Instead of giving in to your whims and wasting the hours you toiled hard in the gym, you can satisfy your palate and continue on your weight loss journey by trying these easy healthy snack ideas to keep you full in between meals.

Hard-boiled eggs and avocado bowl
Eggs are a powerhouse of all essential nutrients you need to lose weight and stay healthy at the same time. What makes it easier for you to try this easy healthy snack idea is that it is extremely simple to make and it will keep your tummy full for longer. To prepare this easy healthy snack idea, you will need two hard-boiled eggs, half avocado, red onion, red bell pepper, sea salt, and ground pepper. Combine the eggs, avocado, onion, and bell pepper in a bowl, and sprinkle sea salt and ground pepper on it. Mix it well, and munch away.

Creamy apple and cinnamon smoothie
Smoothies are an amazing way of appeasing your taste buds and eating healthy at the same time. So, this easy healthy snack idea involves combining the goodness of apple and the sweet and savory zest of the incredible wooden spice, cinnamon. You will need a ripe banana that is frozen, a medium apple, old-fashioned oats, almond butter, almond milk, cinnamon, and ice cubes. Put all these ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until creamy. This delicious smoothie will keep you full for a long time, and you will definitely enjoy it.

Oven-baked zucchini chips
Chips! Everybody loves chips! However, we are well aware that potato chips, though quite delicious, contribute immensely to weight gain. So, instead of sulking about not being able to eat potato chips, you can relish the extremely healthy oven-baked zucchini chips. For this easy healthy snack idea, you will need sliced zucchini, whole grain bread crumbs, parmesan cheese (reduced fat), black pepper, sea salt, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, and low-fat milk. You will have to preheat the oven to 425 degrees and combine these above-mentioned ingredients into a small mixing bowl. Bake the zucchini for 15 minutes and turn it over, and continue baking. Allow the chips to cool down after baking for increased crispness.

Easy egg wraps
Eggs are the quintessential foods that promote good health and are quite tasty. So, the next time you feel tempted to grab a cheesy-bread roll from the nearest bakery, go to your kitchen instead. Egg wraps are incredibly easy to make; you will need eggs, turkey, cheese, hummus, yogurt, or cheese for filling purposes, and salt, pepper, paprika, or cayenne pepper for seasoning. You have to make an egg-omelet, and fill it with either of these food items and season the wrap with either of the above-mentioned spices.

Low carb pesto and cucumber roll-ups
If your love for exotic transcends everything, then this low carb pesto and cucumber roll-up recipe would be the perfect easy healthy snack idea for your next post-lunch snack. You will need cucumbers (sliced), basil pesto, mozzarella slices, smoked turkey breast (shredded), bell pepper, spinach, and salt and pepper for seasoning. Spread one teaspoon of pesto on each cucumber slice and evenly distribute cheese, spinach, turkey, and bell pepper on it. Once you are done, sprinkle a little salt and black pepper on it, roll it up and place it seam down. Your roll-ups are ready to serve.

Homemade sweet potato chips
Potato chips are a big no, but sweet potato chips are an extremely healthy option. You will need sweet potatoes, a cooking spray, and salt to bring this easy healthy snack idea to life. Wash the sweet potatoes and cut them into equal slices. Once you are done with it, lay these potato slices on a parchment paper that covers the turntable table of the microwave oven. Now, spray the sweet potato slices with the cooking spray, and microwave it for four to five minutes. Once the chips are baked, allow it to cool for at least thirty seconds so that they become crispier.

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