6 Easy Snacks That Are the Perfect Treat for Kids

6 Easy Snacks That Are the Perfect Treat for Kids

Kids can be extremely picky eaters, and dealing with their mid-day hunger pangs is always a tough task. However, snack time is a central part of a kid’s day. As soon as hunger pangs set in, they can feel irritated, get cranky, and experience intense mood swings. Keeping their little tummies full is the only way to get their cheerful selves back. While you may understand the importance of feeding healthy snacks to your kids, you might not be able to take out sufficient time in the day to prepare these snacks. Parents juggle between different tasks and often give in to packaged foods as an easy solution. However, we have some good news for you. You can create several easy and irresistible snacks in your kitchen. Not only do they taste delicious, but also keep up the energy levels of your little ones.

Without further ado, here are some easy snack recipes that you can create quickly:

  • Cherry tomato and yogurt dip:  The cherry tomato and yogurt dip is an easy and vibrant snack that is loved by most kids. The bright red color of the cherry tomatoes contrasts with the creamy yogurt, making this snack even more appealing. Cherry tomatoes are yummy and are abundantly available, especially during the summers. Moreover, they are healthy as they are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. They also boost the immune system. Pairing these tomatoes with a rich Greek yogurt will replenish your little one’s protein levels. This delectable snack is bound to be a hit with children and adults alike.
  • Crunchy crispy chickpeas:  Most kids love crunchy foods that can be finished quickly. What could be better than some healthy and crispy chickpeas? To make this easy snack, preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Now rinse and drain some canned chickpeas and drizzle some olive oil, salt, and garlic powder over it. Follow by spreading the chickpeas on a baking sheet, and bake until they turn deep brown. Chickpeas are exceptional at satiating hunger pangs. Pack these crunchy chickpeas as an easy, to-go snack for your little one.
  • Baked sweet potato fries:  Sweet potatoes have always been a favorite among most people. This root vegetable is very healthy and enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Guess what? You can now use this delicious ingredient to make a healthier version of the ever-popular fries. All you must do is chop some sweet potatoes into long strips, just like your usual batch of French fries. Toss in some olive oil, salt, and herbs of your choice. Lay the strips on a baking tray and let it roast in a preheated oven at 400 degrees. Allow the fries to turn golden brown and crispy before you serve these to your kids. Watch them gleam with joy as they devour this healthy and easy snack.
  • Fruity pops: Always confused about what you can serve your kids after an exhausting day at the playground? Fruity pops may be your best bet. This easy snack recipe is refreshing and will ensure that your child has their dose of fruits as well. Fruity pops can be made by chopping your kid’s favorite fruits into small cubes and adding them to skewers. Drizzle some shredded coconut and let the dish freeze. Hand these fruity pops to your kids every time they call for some chilled refreshments.
  • Cheese and pretzel sticks:  Most kids love to eat some cheesy treats from time to time. These ingredients are healthy and great for a child’s nutrition if they have it in limited quantities. Thus, it is best to treat your children to this easy snack after a long day at school or activity class. This snack is very convenient to make and calls for just two ingredients — cheese, and pretzel sticks. Pretzel sticks are a yummy and crunchy ingredient. You only have to chop the cheese into small cubes and pierce every cube with a pretzel stick before serving this quick snack.
  • Crunchy honey pumpkin seeds:  Pumpkin seeds have high levels of nutrition, and are loaded with iron, zinc, and mineral. Additionally, these seeds are crunchy and very delicious. They’re also perfect for kids who are allergic to other types of nuts. Roast dried pumpkin seeds in a preheated oven for a few minutes until they are slightly brown. Take them out in a bowl and add some honey. If your kid loves maple syrup, you can use that instead. Either way, this lip-smacking snack is easy to make!

It is now time to toss out those junk packets of store-bought food and watch your kids gorge on these easy snack recipes. Preparing these snacks at home is not only easy but also fun. You can ask your children to step into the kitchen and lend a little helping hand.

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