6 Essential Home Remedies for Natural Tinnitus Treatment

6 Essential Home Remedies for Natural Tinnitus Treatment

Living with tinnitus is a huge challenge, but then, it is not something impossible. People with tinnitus learn to live with it; if you have been diagnosed with this problem,  perhaps some home remedies for tinnitus could be of help to you.  These are simple solutions that will help you to deal with tinnitus.

Making some modifications to your environment as well as lifestyle could make things easier.  Tinnitus affects a person internally and does not have any external symptoms; this fact affects the way this condition is managed.  The condition causes a constant hiss or buzz in the ears. There are several treatments including hearing aids at that are available to deal with tinnitus. Along with these, natural tinnitus treatments such as home remedies also help to manage tinnitus. First, it is essential to understand the triggers.

The most significant issues that arise out of tinnitus are:

  • Issues with concentration
  • Issues with hearing
  • Issues with sleeping

Study your triggers
Tinnitus gets worse with the consumption of a few foods or even certain drinks. Even some drugs cause tinnitus to get worse. Remember that the symptoms of the condition will not be the same between two individuals. The triggers would be very different from that of someone else. Therefore, maintaining a written log is vital for more clarity.  However, keep in mind that not all triggers have to be prevented.  The triggers that cause the most disturbing symptoms or enhance the frequency have to be prevented at all costs. Since tinnitus can cause havoc in your daily life, it is suggested that you go ahead and implement few easy remedies right away.

Here are some of the popular home remedies for natural tinnitus treatment:

  • Ginkgo Biloba : One of the best herbal remedies, this is one of the most popular natural tinnitus treatment. The herb also plays a significant role in improving blood circulation, the function of the ear, and the reduction in the ringing sensation inside the ears. Also, the herb has antifungal and antibacterial properties. For the treatment of tinnitus, you need to consume the extract of ginkgo biloba. Make it a habit of taking the extract daily.  However, we advise you to consult a doctor before you begin taking this extract. Ginkgo biloba must not be administered to children.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar : Another important natural tinnitus treatment that is loaded with antifungal, as well as anti-inflammatory properties, is apple cider vinegar. Cider vinegar is useful for the treatment of underlying infections that cause tinnitus. Apple cider vinegar helps to balance the alkaline levels of the body. Mix about a couple of teaspoons of cider vinegar with some honey in lukewarm water. You can drink this over two or three days on a regular basis.
  • Holy Basil : Holy basil again is a good natural treatment for tinnitus. This herb too comes with antibacterial properties and helps to kill bacteria that can cause tinnitus. Extract the juice of holy basil by blending a handful of leaves.  You can also get relief from an earache by consuming holy basil.
  • Onions : Not many know that onion has a number of antibacterial properties.  This helps to treat the infections in the ear that could be causing tinnitus. You can chop an opinion and extract the juice. Pour a few drops in your ear and you will gain relief very quickly.
  • Garlic : Garlic is useful in the treatment of tinnitus, especially when it is caused due to cold weather or high altitudes. The inflammation of ears is taken care of by garlic, and it enhances the circulation of blood.  Crush a pair of garlic cloves and fry them in sesame oil. Crush two cloves of garlic and fry the same in a tablespoon of sesame oil. Strain the same and leave it to cool. Put a couple of drops of this inside the ear canal.  The same can be administered daily for up to a week.  Incorporating garlic into your diet is also a good idea.
  • Saline water : This solution is also a good natural tinnitus treatment. This treats tinnitus by unclogging the nasal cavities and clearing off excess fluids inside the sinuses. Mix a teaspoon of salt and the same quantity of glycerin in about a couple of cups of warm water. Use a spray bottle and spray into the nostril unless you feel the solution draining off into your throat. Administer the solution for about a couple of times daily, until you feel the nasal passages have cleared.

Following some additional tips can also help:

  • Use warm compress for relief from pressure
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Limit smoking
  • Relax and meditate
  • Avoid exposure to excess noise

Tinnitus can be dealt with and kept in check.  This is a disorder, but with the right solution, it can be brought under control.

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