6 foods to effectively manage migraines

6 foods to effectively manage migraines

Migraines are a chronic form of headaches, which are caused by several environmental, physiological, and psychological factors. With close to 1 billion cases worldwide, nearly 40 million people in our country suffer from this condition. While there are medications that provide relief from migraine symptoms, regularly consuming certain foods can also help manage the same. Here is a list of some of the top food items that can help you keep the pain in check.

While having excess caffeine can aggravate migraines, caffeine is one of those foods that can help get rid of a headache or migraine attacks naturally. Beverages such as tea and coffee contain caffeine, which, when consumed with specific over-the-counter medications, can help relieve a headache.

Bananas are not only a great source of energy, but the magnesium present in the fruit can help treat migraines and headaches effectively. Apart from this, bananas have more than 70 percent water. They, thus, help in improving the body’s hydration levels, providing further relief from headaches.

Dehydration is one of the primary risk factors for headaches and migraines. Watermelons contain more than 90 percent water. So, a couple of slices of this fruit can provide relief from the condition. Apart from this, the natural sugars present in the fruit can also replenish the energy levels of the body.

Seeds and nuts
Magnesium is one of the key nutrients that can provide relief from aches and pains. Seeds such as flaxseeds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds are rich in magnesium, and a handful of them can help effectively manage migraines and headaches. Additionally, walnuts and cashews are magnesium-rich too and can be used to control the flare of symptoms.

It is yet another one of those foods that can help get rid of a headache or migraine attack naturally. A blocked, congested, or inflamed sinus is a major risk factor for migraine attacks or headaches. Have fresh peppermint oil in hot water or herbal tea to help unclog your sinuses and get almost immediate relief.

Caffeine withdrawal is one of the risk factors that can cause headaches or migraines. Nutritionists and health experts have thus observed that a serving of dark chocolate can help manage the condition effectively in mild cases.

While these foods can help get rid of a headache or migraine attack naturally, it is vital to consult a doctor to verify if they are safe to consume for individuals suffering from underlying health conditions.

QULIPTA™ (atogepant)
QULIPTA™ (atogepant) is suggested for people who experience episodic migraine attacks. The body produces certain calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptors that trigger migraine attacks among adults. QULIPTA™ (atogepant) works by inhibiting the production of CGRP receptors and blocks these proteins from triggering or worsening symptoms. It is available in 10mg, 30mg, and 60mg doses and should be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

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