6 Healthy Drinks to Quench Your Thirst

6 Healthy Drinks to Quench Your Thirst

When you feel dehydrated, you may often find yourself reaching out for a soda can from your refrigerator. Or you may prefer to drink flavored water or packaged fruit juice. Although these drinks might quench your thirst, they are not fit for your body. Carbonated beverages, packaged fruits juices, and flavored water contain artificial sweeteners, caffeine, synthetic flavors, and other chemicals that can harm your health in the long run.

So the next time you want to hydrate yourself or if you are craving a delicious drink, pick a natural and healthy juice or beverage. It’s quite easy to make these healthy drinks at home with seasonal fruits and vegetables. You will have a lot of options such as watermelon juice, aloe vera juice, or any mixed fruit mocktail. These are some of the most healthy drinks that will not only quench your thirst but also replenish your body by providing essential nutrients.

  • Cranberry juice : Vibrant looking cranberries are commonly used during the festive season to make stuffing, sauces, and food decorations. It is loaded with antioxidants and has antibacterial properties too. These help in fighting age-related diseases such as diabetes and heart problems. Drinking cranberry juice is known to be effective in treating urinary tract infection. It also promotes a healthy digestive system. For women, cranberry juice can help to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. Cranberry juice has an astringent quality. Hence, it is often mixed with other fruit juices or added to smoothies. Although it one of the most healthy drinks, cranberry juice is high in acidic content. Hence, people with acidity problems should avoid it. Children are also advised to drink only a limited amount of cranberry juice. People who take certain medications such as antibiotics, blood pressure medicines, and blood-thinning medicines are also advised against drinking cranberry juice as they could face adverse reactions and side-effects.
  • Dandelion tea : One of the most healthy drinks, dandelion tea is known for its detoxifying properties. A common ingredient in folk medicines, dandelion is packed with antioxidants, essential vitamins, and minerals. Drinking dandelion tea has been known to have a diuretic effect and provide relief from bloating. Dandelion tea also helps in improving the appetite, alleviates digestive discomfort, and gives relief from constipation. It also helps in lowering water weight, boosts liver health, prevents urinary tract infections, and aids in weight-loss. You can prepare this tea from dandelion roots or buy packaged dandelion green tea. If you are purchasing dandelion roots, it is ideal to go for the organic variety. Make sure to clean the roots thoroughly.
  • Watermelon juice : When the summer heat gets unbearable, watermelon juice provides the best respite. With 92% water content, watermelons are the best thing to have when you want to hydrate yourself. It is also rich in fiber that keeps your digestive system healthy. Watermelons contain essential nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B1, B5, and B6. Apart from curing dehydration, drinking fresh watermelon juice can reduce the risk of inflammation, oxidative stress, and kidney stones. It also alleviates muscle soreness and makes one’s skin and hair healthier. With a very low calorie content, watermelon juice is one of the most healthy drinks that you can include in your diet.
  • Blueberry juice : Among all fruits, blueberries have the highest percentage of antioxidants. These help in fighting free radicals. Free radicals increase the risk of cancer and make the skin age faster. A regular intake of blueberry juice can help in combating signs of aging. Blueberry juice is one of the most healthy drinks as it also helps in improving glucose control and decreasing blood cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. It also boosts the immune system. With a high percentage of vitamin C and iron, blueberry juice improves dental health and eyesight. To gain the benefits of blueberry juice, you can drink it as it is or make a mocktail by mixing it with lemonade, pomegranate juice, cranberry juice, orange juice, or celery and spinach juice. You can also add it to your smoothies.
  • Aloe vera juice : For a long time, aloe vera has been used to treat a large number of maladies and illnesses. Skincare products, as well as medications, use it to treat ulcers, headaches, arthritis, cough, constipation, and diabetes. Aloe vera is highly alkaline. If you have an acidic pH, drinking aloe vera juice will neutralize the excess acid in your body and keep away a host of diseases. It will also boost your immune system and protect your body from infections. With its high water content, aloe vera juice is one of the most healthy drinks that also prevents dehydration. It washes away all the toxins and keeps the liver healthy. Drinking aloe vera juice is often recommended as an instant remedy for heartburn and constipation. When preparing aloe vera juice, ensure that the aloe vera is decolorized and purified. Otherwise, it may lead to diarrhea and cramping.

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