6 Popular Herbal Remedies for Arthritis Pain

6 Popular Herbal Remedies for Arthritis Pain

A type of degenerative condition, arthritis is a painful disease characterized by the inflammation and stiffness of joints. At the moment around 55 million adults in the country are diagnosed with this condition. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and psoriatic arthritis are some common types of arthritis.
Medical professionals mostly treat arthritis with anti-inflammatory medicines and pain-relievers. However, due to the medications’ potent nature, their long-term use might not be suitable for all patients. In such a situation, individuals should also consider implementing healthier lifestyle changes like dietary modifications and exercise. Likewise, one can try using herbal remedies for arthritis pain mentioned below. These can help gain fast relief in case of any unexpected flare-ups.

  • Eucommia – Native to China, Eucommia bark is an exotic herb that is used for alleviating arthritis symptoms, especially joint pain. Moreover, Eucommia benefits by fortifying the tendons, ligaments, and bones which makes it a useful herbal remedy for arthritis patients. Usually, Eucommia is consumed in the form of supplements. This herb can also be beneficial for regulating diabetes and preventing neurodegenerative diseases like dementia. However, before consuming Eucommia one should seek their physician’s guidance, particularly, if they are suffering from blood pressure problems.
  • Thunder god vine – Like Eucommia, thunder god vine is also a primitive Chinese herbal remedy. The extracts from the roots of this exotic herb encourage restraining an overactive immune system. Therefore, this type of herbal remedy of arthritis can be instrumental in managing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune disorder. For gaining the best outcome, one should topically apply its extract to the inflamed joints. The long-term use of thunder god vine is not recommended as it could cause skin rashes. Likewise, individuals dealing with osteoporosis should abstain from using this herb as it could diminish the bone strength.
  • Licorice – Licorice contains glycyrrhizin, a compound that inhibits and alleviates excessive soreness. It destroys free radicals and blocks the production of enzymes that promote the inflammatory process in one’s body. Furthermore, it suppresses the overactive immune system, which stops the white blood cells from unnecessarily attacking the healthy cells in joints and bones. Licorice is also known to reduce stress, detoxify the respiratory system, improve the health of hair and teeth, and soothe any gastrointestinal issues. Its extracts can be easily found online or in herbal stores in powdered, dried, gel, capsule, or tablet form.
  • Boswellia – Also referred to as frankincense, Boswellia trees are originally found in India. It is known for its anti-inflammatory effects which makes it an excellent option for arthritis. It controls the swelling levels triggered by a condition like rheumatoid arthritis in the body by blocking leukotrienes which destroy the healthy joint cells. According to certain research observations, apart from arthritis, Boswellia supplements can also be useful in treating conditions like asthma and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). At the moment, it is available in the form of topical creams and tablets.
  • Cat’s claw – One of the popular herbal remedies for arthritis pain, cat’s claw brings down the swelling in the joints. It further boosts the immune system, improving the body’s response to fight swelling and pain. However, as it stimulates the immune system, its use might not be fitting for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder. Typically, cat’s claw is utilized for arthritic conditions; however, it is also said to be useful for improving the symptoms of digestive disorders, viral infections, cold sores, asthma, and hay fever. Patients who are using a blood thinning medication should not use cat’s claw.
  • Eucalyptus – The eucalyptus topical oil is widely sold in the Western markets for arthritis pain management. Its extracts contain tannins that can decrease the distress caused by arthritis. Often it can be used along with heat pads to gain faster and more effective results. Apart from lowering soreness in the joints, eucalyptus also assuages symptoms of respiratory disorders, allergies, headaches, wounds, earaches, and fights infections, such as genital herpes or toenail fungus.

Before using any of the herbal remedies for arthritis pain stated above, one should consult their medical practitioner, especially, if they are dealing with some other forms of health issues, have allergies, are pregnant, or are on some kind of medication. If the patient experiences any undesirable side-effects because of the herbal remedies for arthritis pain, they should immediately stop using it.

Similarly, it is essential to remember that all the herbal remedies for arthritis pain mentioned above are just supplemental in nature. Therefore, under any circumstance, a proper medical diagnosis and treatment for arthritis pain are imperative.

Apart from these herbal remedies for arthritis pain, in order to make the long-term treatment of arthritis more efficient, one should also aim to:

  • Maintain a healthy weight to lower the strain on their joints
  • Try alternative therapies like massage, meditation, or acupuncture
  • Include healthy fatty acids in their everyday diet

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