7 Gout Remedies That Will Work for You

7 Gout Remedies That Will Work for You

Gout is the most common type of arthritis that is caused due to an imbalance of uric acid levels in the body. When the body starts to produce excess uric acid, it starts forming urate crystals.

These crystals get accumulated near the joints such as the base of the big toe, knees, finger joints, and wrist. This causes pain, inflammation, and discomfort.

The joints that are affected by gout are usually red and swollen. They are also surrounded by inflamed and sore muscles.

Gouty arthritis can be painful. A gout attack can strike at any time and can last for up to seven to ten days.

If you have high uric acid levels in your body, it is best to get tested for a possibility of having a gout attack in the future. If left untreated, it can lead to further problems like renal failure, and severe damage to muscles, joints, and tendons.

Gout can be effectively treated using antibiotic medicines prescribed by your physician. Other gout remedies that work are—natural ingredients from your kitchens such as garlic, ginger, turmeric and apple cider vinegar that will reduce the effects of gout.

While home remedies focus on reducing the inflammation, once a gout attack happens, medications are a long-term solution for treating gout.

Some medicines treat gout by lowering the uric acid levels in the body by blocking its production. Some are helpful in reducing the swelling and inflammation. Gout treatments are recommended, to prevent further attacks.

Following is a comprehensive list of some gout remedies that work.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

These drugs, as the name suggests, are anti-inflammatory. They are given after the gout attack commences. NSAIDs help to reduce the physical symptoms of a gout attack like swelling of the joint and inflammation, to provide instant relief from the condition.

NSAIDs are the most commonly recommended medication for a gout attack. However, the people who are at an increased risk of kidney failure or liver infections, are not given NSAIDs as it can aggravate the condition.

Over the counter NSAIDs like Ibuprofen can be taken without a doctor’s prescription, as soon as the pain from gout starts.

Corticosteroids are steroid hormones that are given during a gout attack to relieve pain and swelling of joints. Systemic corticosteroids are those which are injected intravenously. Your medical practitioner might give you some doses of corticosteroids, to help you with the pain and swelling of gout.

Steroids like prednisone can also be given orally to relieve pain.

Steroidal medication is given to those who can not take NSAIDs, like patients who are at a risk of renal problems.

These medications are meant to be taken for a short period. If taken in excessive amounts, they can cause multiple issues such as weight gain and muscle thinning. It is important to consult a doctor before taking these medicines.

Colchicine (Colcrys)
This medicine can be taken, for those who can not take NSAIDs for specific reasons. It effectively reduces swelling and pain associated with a gout attack, if taken within 12 to 24 hours of the appearance of symptoms. This gout remedy should be prescribed by the doctor.

Colchicine works by blocking the uric acid crystals, that can be deposited in the joints which causes pain and inflammation.

This medicine works by reducing the uric acid production in the body. It is a long-term treatment course, which ensures that the future attacks of gouty arthritis can be avoided.

Urate-Lowering Therapy (ULT)
Most of the gout medications work after a gout attack to reduce its effects. But if you are looking for a long-term solution to get rid of gouty arthritis forever, ULT is a good option.

ULT is prescribed to those who have recurrent episodes of gout, or to those who have severe complications that are associated with gout. It is a long-term therapy that works by systematically lowering the urate levels in the body. This helps in preventing further gout attacks. There are a few other gout remedies that will work for the patient.

Also, there are a few tried and tested gout home remedies that work, to counter gout attacks such as:

  • Ice Packs
    The usage of ice packs helps to reduce swelling and soreness around the joint that is affected by gout.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
    ACV can be effective in reducing the inflammation and soreness in the joints, affected by gout. You can dip your feet in a bucket full of a mixture of water and ACV. This gout remedy will definitely work for you and will give you instant relief.
  • Ginger Root
    Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory agent. You can drink ginger root tea that helps to ease the pain in the joint, and lessen the inflammation and soreness.
    For maximum benefits from this gout remedy, mix a small amount of turmeric into the ginger tea. This increases its medicinal properties and ensures that you get instant relief from painful and inflamed joints.

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