8 Effective Remedies for Leg Cramps

8 Effective Remedies for Leg Cramps

Leg cramps often tend to abruptly wake a person up in the middle of the night. It may also happen during physical activities such as running or cycling. These cramps cause a lot of pain and it can last up to 10 minutes. Some cramps may last only for a few seconds. What are the best remedies for leg cramps?

Table salt
This is one of the popular home remedies for leg cramps. This method eases cramp pain. A small portion of table salt must be taken into the palm of your hand and you need to lick it up. Salt gets engaged in the process of replenishing the reduced electrolytes available in the body. Since salt is easily available, this is one of the easy remedies for leg cramps. There are sports drinks available in the market containing electrolytes and you can drink them to get relief from cramps.

Stretching your leg and walking a bit
Nobody can predict when would leg cramps strike. The immediate step you can do is to stretch your legs out and the toes should be directed towards your chin. If you are lying down on the floor, you must get upright and walk some distance. These simple steps bring immediate relief from cramps.

Massage the leg and apply a hot water bottle on the affected area

When a leg cramp occurs, one of the simple things to do is to massage the tightened muscle in a gentle way. You can also apply a hot water bottle on the cramped area to make the contracted muscles relax. If you are worried about leg cramps in the night, take a hot a hot shower before going to bed for preventing the occurrence of the cramps at night.

Chamomile tea
If you are experiencing leg cramps frequently, you can drink five cups of chamomile tea during the daytime for two weeks. It is an excellent stimulant and works well to treat leg cramps. Various research studies reveal that chamomile tea improves the levels of an amino acid called glycine in the urine. Glycine is well known for bringing relief from muscle cramps and spasms. Since chamomile tea contains high amounts of glycine, it becomes one of the effective remedies for leg cramps.

Mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey, and calcium lactate
This is one of the most effective remedies for leg cramps. You have to take one tablespoon each of honey, apple cider vinegar, and calcium lactate and, they should be added to a glass of warm water. This concoction can be consumed once in a day to fight against leg cramp. Potassium deficiency is one of the major reasons for leg cramps and this combination contains high amounts of potassium, leg cramps can be treated in an efficient way.

Water and raspberry tea
You need to boil water and then, one teaspoon of red raspberry tea should be added to the water. Set aside for a while. You can drink this mixture both in the morning and evening to find relief. It is a well-known fact that raspberry tea is a very choice for leg cramps.

Follow a balanced diet
You must follow a healthy and balanced diet to treat the cramps effectively. Consumption of foods that are rich in vitamin E and vitamin A is a good option. You can add carrot, soybeans, sweet potatoes, salmon and sunflower seeds into your daily diet to achieve the best results. Refined flour is not a good option and you can consume whole grains and related products like pasta and bread. Health experts and doctors always advocate increased intake of foods that are rich in magnesium to enjoy better protection from leg cramps. For increasing your magnesium levels, green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach can be added and you can also take pumpkins and wheat germ to improve the magnesium levels available in your body.

Drink a lot of water
Dehydration is an important reason for cramping. When you stay dehydrated, you become more susceptible to the cramps in the leg. In order to prevent dehydration, your water intake must be around eight to ten glasses of water per day. It helps you stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water is one of the simplest remedies for leg cramps. Nevertheless, you should not drink excessive quantities of carbonated beverages, alcohol, coffee, and tea because they do not prevent dehydration.

Take painkillers if the pain is severe
If you experience severe pain for an extended period of time, an over-the-counter painkiller like ibuprofen or paracetamol can be taken to reduce the pain.

You must seek the help of a doctor if the cramps are frequent and they last for a long time with severe pain. After having analyzed the existing condition, the doctor will design the right course of treatment. If there is any underlying health issue with your leg cramps, the doctor will treat that condition to eliminate the cramps.

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