8 Effective Tips to Lower Uric Acid Levels

8 Effective Tips to Lower Uric Acid Levels

The state of having excess levels of uric acid in the blood is known as hyperuricemia. What is the reason behind the increased presence of uric acid? If your liver produces a higher amount of uric acid, you have to face this problem. Another reason is the reduced excretion of uric acid through your kidneys. If this issue remains unattended, you may have to deal with health problems like kidney stones, gouty arthritis, hypertension, renal failure or cardiovascular diseases.

How to lower uric acid levels?
Eat plenty of vegetables
Research studies have shown that foods rich in fiber reduce the amount of uric acid levels in the blood. When your vegetable consumption increases, you are assisting your body’s effort to lower acidity. It restricts the uric acid formation effectively. At the same time; you should not consume vegetables that are highly rich in purine. For example; vegetables such as cauliflower, peas, asparagus, mushrooms, and spinach contain a higher amount of purine. If you are wondering how to lower uric acid levels, it is advisable to restrict the consumption of these veggies. All other vegetables can be consumed to lower uric acid levels in your body.

Increase your water or fluid intake
Water intake is an essential aspect when it comes to reducing uric acid levels. When you drink a lot of fluids and water, your urine output increases and it helps your body remove the unwanted uric acid. It is a well-known fact that water is an excellent detoxifying agent and it removes most of the toxins from your body. Your water consumption must be between 10 to 12 glasses every day. If you find it tough to consume a lot of plain water, you can depend on lime juices and other types of fluids that contain natural and mild flavors. Fruit juices area good option and you can also use coconut water.

Use olive oil for cooking
Vegetable oils are converted into rancid fats upon heating. The rancid fats wipe out the vitamin E available in your body. If you want to control the uric acid levels, you need vitamin E. Thus you have to use the oil that does not become rancid and demolish the much-needed vitamin E. The best option available is to use olive oil. Since olive oil is highly rich in monounsaturated fats, it remains stable upon heating. Instead of butter or vegetable oil, you can use olive oil.

Control inflammation with regular intake of certain fruits and vegetables
If you want to know how to lower uric acid levels, the solution is to add strawberries, blueberries, and cherries to your diet. The anti-inflammatory properties of these fruits prevent inflammation efficiently. Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called Bromelain and the anti-inflammatory properties of this enzyme interfere with the functioning of proteins causing inflammation. Celery is always known as a natural diuretic, and it gets engaged in the process of alkalizing your blood to control inflammation.

Consume foods that contain quercetin
Quercetin is a plant polyphenol belonging to flavonoid group and the antioxidant properties of quercetin reduce inflammation from high amounts of uric acid levels. You need to consume foods and drinks that contain quercetin such as garlic, leafy greens, onions, red wine, apples, green tea and so on. You can also find quercetin supplements in the market, and if you are wondering how to lower uric acid levels, taking a dose of 250mg of quercetin a day helps you lower uric acid levels in your body.

Consume apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an excellent source of potassium. Furthermore, it balances the alkaline and acid levels in your body despite containing acetic acid. When you consume apple cider vinegar, your body turns more alkaline, and an alkaline body shows great resistance to uric acid buildup. One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and water should be combined and consumed, and it must be done three times a day.

Drink lemon juice
If someone asks you, “how to lower uric acid levels?”; you can suggest lemon juice. Lemon juice is highly effective in neutralizing uric acid available in your body. It plays an important role in stimulating the digestive juices production such as bicarbonate to neutralize acidity in the best manner. Another benefit of lemon juice is that it promotes the production of calcium carbonate to create a neutralizing effect on uric acid.

Make the necessary lifestyle changes
You need to quit smoking, and the alcohol consumption must be limited because these habits always interfere with the process of controlling uric acid. Weight gain is a major reason for higher levels of uric acid levels, and you must do regular exercises to prevent weight gain. Unwanted stress promotes the unwanted production of uric acid and practicing yoga and meditation help you balance the stress effectively. Another important aspect is to avoid over standing or sitting for an extended period, and you have to soak your feet in Epsom salt water to offer relaxation to the strained feet. When you experience inflammation, swelling and pain in the affected area, cold or hot compresses can be used to reduce discomfort.

So, follow these tips and stop wondering how to lower uric acid levels. However, if you have to deal with any health problems connected with an excess uric acid formation, you must consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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