8 Fastest Ways to Lose Belly Fat

8 Fastest Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Annoyed of that belly fat? Those love handles getting in the way of your skinny jeans? With these quick fixes and enough focus and dedication, get a flatter tummy and a healthier body in a few days! Incorporate these small changes in your routine, follow some of the fastest ways to lose belly fat and see the inches melting off your waist.

Bid adieu to sugar
This is definitely rule number one. You need to eliminate added sugar and sugar-rich foods if you want to shape up quickly. Sugar is composed of glucose and fructose. When you consume excessive amounts of refined sugar, the liver gets overloaded with fructose, which can be metabolized only in limited quantities and converts it into fat. So, say no to those cakes, chocolates, sweetened juices, and sodas.

Cut down on salt
Salt is rich in sodium and excessive sodium in your body can make you look bloated because salt has a tendency to retain water. To reduce the amount of salt, try cooking your own meals, and add a minimal amount of salt. Moreover, try as much as possible to stay away from processed foods. Not only do these processed foods contain preservatives rich in sodium, but they also contain added sugar.

Drink more water
One of the fastest ways to lose belly fat is by drinking enough water. Water has zero calories, makes you feel fuller, flushes out the harmful toxins, is good for your skin and also helps in losing weight. Heaven’s nectar much? Quite possibly is! Make it a point to drink 7-8 glasses of water each day. Water in any form is beneficial, but in order to increase your appetite for it, you can make infused water with cucumber, lemon, and mint.

Workout regularly
Instead of focusing on crunches, you should concentrate more on routines that engage multiple muscle groups and work your cardiovascular system. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is the most effective way to shrink that waist and for overall shaping up of the body. HIIT involves performing short bursts of exercise with quick intervals in between. For example, run with high intensity for 2 minutes, slow down for the next 1 minute, and repeat this for 6 sets.

Furthermore, core strengthening exercises like planks, jumping jacks, push-ups, leg lifts, and strength training are proven as some of the fastest ways to lose belly fat. Deadlifts and squats won’t burn belly fat straight away. However, these leg exercises with strengthen your waist and define the abs.

Sip tea
Can it get any simpler? Drinking tea is one of the fastest ways to lose belly fat. Teas are the perfect way to give your metabolism a quick fix and help you shed those extra pounds. Drink 2-3 cups of any of these tea varieties for fat loss and overall health. Here are some teas that are perfect for weight loss:

  • Green tea : This tea, made up of compounds called catechins, triggers the release of fat from fat cells, flushes out toxins, and revs up the metabolism.
  • Oolong tea : This Chinese tea named after “The Black Dragon”, is a light, floral tea, packed with catechins. As an added advantage, it has a calming effect on the system and helps relax your nerves.
  • Peppermint tea : This tastes as good as it smells. It actually helps by suppressing your appetite and curbs any hunger pangs, all thanks to the mint in there.
  • White tea : This is the least processed of all teas, and hence obviously is the richest source of antioxidants amongst all varieties of teas.

Avoid alcohol
Alcohol is plain liquid calories. Not only can it spiral down your fitness regime, but it may tell your body to store fat precisely in your belly because the enzymes used to metabolize alcohol are concentrated in your abdominal region. This is popularly known as “beer belly,” but all types of alcohol tend to produce a similar effect.

Get adequate sleep
Make it a point to sleep for 7-8 hours. According to wellness professional Jennifer Cohen, when you’re sleep deprived, your body produces more ghrelin, which triggers cravings for sugar and other fatty food.

Curb the calories
In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. This can be achieved by working out more and consuming fewer calories. The best way to do this is to fill up on fiber-rich foods. These foods keep you full for longer, thus preventing you from binge eating. Carry almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds in your bag for a quick snack. Load up on the fiber with whole-wheat foods, oats, quinoa, and bran.

After all, it is mind over matter. Fitness is a journey, not a destination. Follow these fastest ways to lose belly fat and see that waistline shrinking away!

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