8 High Protein Foods For a Healthy Body

8 High Protein Foods For a Healthy Body

The basic constituent of proteins is amino acids, attached to one another in the form of long chains. This long-chain structure of amino acids is known as the polypeptide. A single long peptide, or a combination of peptide bonds, is referred to as a protein.

Proteins are rightly known as the “building blocks of our body” as they help us in numerous ways. They provide the essential nutrients for our normal and healthy survival. Proteins help us in gaining muscle strength, improve our immunity, contribute to weight loss, provide metabolism, and structural support to the cells. It also helps in the repairing of cells, as well as the development of new ones, and transmitting signals between cells, tissues, or organs.

With all these benefits, we know by now that we need to consume protein in our everyday diet for healthy living. Consuming the right amounts of protein is essential for the body, and this does not limit a ‘non-vegan’, as their food already contains a lot of proteins. However, vegans have to follow a certain exclusive and extensive diet plan that would provide them with the needed proteins.

High Protein Foods For A Non-Vegan

  • Turkey Breast
    Turkey Breast is a great source of high proteins and is low in calories and fat. You can have turkey for breakfast, lunch, and dinner or even as a snack. Turkey is a healthy diet option that keeps you full with no urge to eat more, for longer periods of time. An added benefit of including turkey is that it also prevents a person from getting cancer, as it is high in selenium. You could opt for organic or lean turkey, rather than processed turkey for assured benefits as high protein foods are very essential for the body.
    Quantity : 100 grams
    Protein Gain : 30 grams
  • Chicken Breast
    Chicken is a popular high protein food that is consumed by millions on a daily basis. Chicken breast is recommended to be consumed lean, i.e. skinless to get the best results. Chicken is readily available and is also easy to cook. It is recommended to consume grilled chicken, as it contains more protein constituents.
    Quantity : 100 grams
    Protein Gain : 30 grams
  • Halibut
    Halibut is a type of oily fish which is high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in saturated fats. Halibut is a good source of protein and helps in building muscle strength and is also delicious to have. Halibut has a low intensity of contaminants and is found to be good for heart health.
    Quantity : 100 grams
    Protein Gain : 26 grams
  • Pork Loin
    Pork loin is a form of meat, which is a source of protein as well as zinc. Pork loin is cooked easily on a low flame and can be served with vegetables or salad. Pork is found to be high in leucine, which is responsible for providing the required muscle protein for the body.
    Quantity : 100 grams
    Protein Gain : 25 grams

High Protein Foods For A Vegan

  • Cottage Cheese
    Cottage cheese provides the required protein nutrition for our bodies and is found to be low in calories and fats. Cottage cheese contains calcium, selenium, cobalamin, and riboflavin, which provides the required nutrients for our body. One can also opt for parmesan cheese, cheddar or swiss cheese, as they are also high protein foods.
    Quantity : 100 grams
    Protein Gain : 32 grams
  • Nuts and Seeds
    Certain nuts and seeds are high protein foods and should be deliberately included in our everyday diet, or should be consumed every alternative day. Some of the examples of nuts and seeds include pistachios, quinoa seeds, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, pecans, hemp seeds, cashews and chia seeds.
    Quantity : 100 grams
    Protein Gain : 33 grams
  • Soybeans
    Soybean is considered as the best protein source, in comparison to all the plant sources of protein available. Soybean contains not only all the vital amino acids but also Omega-3 fatty acids, which are otherwise found in fish. Soybean is also rich in fiber, calcium, and iron, the basic sources of overall optimum health.
    Quantity : 100 grams
    Protein gain : 17 grams
  • Milk and Greek yogurt
    Milk is by far the best source of high-quality protein food and also contains other nutrients like calcium, vitamin B2, and phosphorus. Milk provides many benefits like bone strength, improved immunity, and skin benefits. Skimmed milk is recommended, over the extra fat contained milk.
    On the other hand, Greek yogurt, a thick type of yogurt with a creamy texture, is also a good source of protein. Greek yogurt is also rich in calcium and cobalamin and is a recommended form of yogurt. It contains nearly two times the protein, compared to regular yogurt.
    Quantity : 100 grams
    Protein Gain : 6 grams

Collagen makes up 80% of our skin, and our eating habits don’t always meet the requirements for this protein. Supplements like NeoCell Collagen can support healthy collagen formation for promoting youthful skin and a healthy set of hair and nails.

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