8 Natural Remedies to Cure Sciatic Pain

8 Natural Remedies to Cure Sciatic Pain

The immune system of a human body is deteriorating due to a fast-paced lifestyle, redundant workload, and acute stress levels, thereby affecting the overall health by causing severe ailments. Recent medical research has stated that people within the age group of 25 to 45 suffer from severe ailments one of them being a sciatic pain. Sciatic pain is a form of acute nerve pain caused near the sciatic nerve around the lower back down to the calves to the heel. Sudden strokes of pain or constant burning sensations are a few symptoms of sciatica nerve pain. Such form of pain is caused due to excessive stress on the hips and legs. Work-related stress compels individuals into being stuck to the chair thereby restricting any form of physical movement. Sciatic pain can be caused due to many reasons; however, the most prominent reasons are slipped or damaged discs, inflammation of the muscle tissues surrounding a nerve, or nerve compression due to muscle stress. Following are a few natural remedies which act as options for sciatic pain cure.

Hot and cold therapy
Compression of nerves due to sciatica causes unendurable pain, at times aggravating inflammation. To help suffice this, individuals suffering from this ailment can be treated with the hot and cold therapy. In this form of therapy, two forms of heating pads are used on the affected area. A hot bag and an ice pack can be placed on the affected area in turns. This is one of the best sciatic pain cure which will help in bringing down the inflammation caused due to nerve compression as well as reduce the pain.

Yoga is one of the best natural remedies for sciatic pain cure. Yoga helps in releasing muscle rigidity caused due to excessive stress on hips and legs and in turn releases the nerve from compression. Yoga helps in internal cleaning of the body by releasing negativity and building a positive attitude towards your body. Scientifically, yoga also helps in easy movement of muscles and the veins thereby restricting nerve compression.

Acupuncture is a natural treatment in which medicated needles are pierced at important points of the body. These needles help in easing the pain and inflammation caused due to sciatica and is, therefore, an effective sciatic pain cure. The body has certain vital points which are connected to various organs of the body. With the help of these needles, the point which is affected is pricked so as to reduce the pain and swelling. Acupuncture is a steady process and hence one needs to have utmost patience and belief in this treatment. According to people who have undergone this treatment have explained that you need at least 12 sessions to see a striking change in your stroke cycle.

When it comes to foods and that too natural foods for treating ailments, turmeric is a frontrunner. Turmeric contains an element named Curcumin which helps in treating numerous ailments. Half a teaspoon of turmeric in half a glass of lukewarm milk acts as a great option for sciatic pain cure. Turmeric works as a natural ointment to help reduce the pain and inflammation caused due to sciatica.

Pamper yourself
Taking good care of your both internally and externally not just means one needs to pop numerous medicines but also to pamper yourself. Indulge in some personal time by relaxing your muscles with the help of spa and massage. Spa sessions help in releasing muscle compression by loosening the muscles thereby relieving nerves as well. In addition to this, individuals can also indulge in special oil massage therapies, as they have medicated oils depending on the ailments a person has and accordingly have sessions to help you overcome the inflammation caused by sciatica.

Take a break
Work and earning money are surely an integral part and parcel of your life. However, constantly sitting at the work desk or at home will obstruct muscle flexibility. Take a break and indulge in activities that help you in avoiding sciatica nerve pain. A 20-minute brisk walking session is an awesome way of relaxing your muscles and is also a natural sciatica pain cure.

Valerian tea
Valerian tea is made of valerian root which is a natural relaxing sedative which helps in reducing chronic nerve pain. People suffering from this form of pain must ensure a regular intake of this tea to cure sciatica nerve pain. Consult a specialist for allergies or any other medical issues before consuming it.

Consult a doctor
Chronic pain caused due to sciatica nerve pain is at times excruciating. People who are self-proclaimed medicine experts tend to pop in painkillers to help keep off the pain. Such form of medication will worsen your condition at times ending in surgeries. Always ensure to speak to a doctor about your pain and inflammation. Experts will inturn suggest you basic medication and a few stretching exercises to help reduce chronic nerve pain.

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