8 noticeable signs of excess sugar intake

8 noticeable signs of excess sugar intake

The number of diabetes cases has risen over the past few years. Research suggests specific contagious viruses can replicate within the beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin, affecting the hormone’s synthesis and secretion. Moreover, the mild inflammation triggered by these viruses worsens diabetes by causing insulin resistance. While people know the general health risks of eating too much sugar, there is an urgent need to identify the eight signs of excessive sugar intake.

Increase in appetite
Sugary foods are rich in calories. But they do not have the nutritional value that the body otherwise gains from proteins, fiber, and antioxidants found in healthy foods. Empty calories cannot satiate a full-grown adult. So, to fill this void, many people turn to compulsive snacking throughout the day.

Excess fatigue
People who eat sugary foods and beverages regularly might experience frequent bouts of fatigue. Excess sugar triggers abnormal changes in insulin levels, and energy levels drop rapidly as the body tries to process the extra calories.

Acne and skin problems
One of the most noticeable signs of excess sugar intake is adult acne and skin problems. This is mainly because of blood glucose imbalance since the body’s glycemic levels influence skin health.

Digestive problems
Sugar is an underlying irritant that can result in many digestive problems. People may experience stomach pain and cramping. Diarrhea is also a significant risk factor for those with gastrointestinal issues.

Dental problems
Having sugary foods and beverages every day increases the risk of cavities. The bacteria in the mouth thrive off particles left behind in the molars, leading to cavities and other dental problems.

Joint pain
Sugar is also an inflammatory trigger, so those suffering from joint problems will experience more pain with increased inflammation.

Trouble sleeping
Glycemic levels in the body also influence sleep cycles. So, excess sugar can trigger erratic sleeping patterns. Many experience trouble falling asleep or staying rested for longer periods at night.

Changes in mood
Mood swings are a common sign of excess sugar intake. An imbalance in blood glucose directly affects cognitive function and emotional impulses. Therefore, people who have extra sugar may become irritable or be in a bad mood from time to time.

Diabetes causes spikes in blood glucose levels, thus increasing the risk of nerve damage. Diabetic neuropathy is a complication that arises when the nerves in the legs and feet are damaged due to high blood sugar. Common symptoms include pain and numbness in the feet and legs. Some people also experience digestive, urinary, and cardiovascular problems due to neuropathy.

Prescriptions for controlling blood sugar levels

Ozempic ® injection helps the pancreas produce more insulin, prevents the liver from releasing sugar, and slows down the digestion to manage blood sugar levels.

Toujeo ® is suggested for controlling high blood sugar for children above the age of six and for adults diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Toujeo® is an insulin glargine injection used for controlling blood sugar, and its discount card can be found on its official or other Rx websites.

Victoza ® can be suggested in place of Ozempic ® with a similar three-way blood sugar control approach. The injection is suitable for children above the age of 10 and adults with Type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes
An imbalance in blood glucose levels increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Over 95%  of the people suffering from diabetes have Type 2. This condition is common among people above 45, but even children are at the risk of developing such problems. 

Omnipod DASH® delivers insulin through a pod that can be worn by Type 2 diabetics under their clothing. It helps manage blood sugar without the need for multiple daily injections. 

KERENDIA® (finerenone) is used for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD.) It works by blocking the overactivation of the mineralocorticoid receptor in the kidney, which contributes to CKD progression. KERENDIA® is a once-daily oral treatment that can slow down the progression of kidney disease. It can also reduce the risk of kidney failure, heart attack, death due to cardiovascular disease, and hospitalization due to heart failure. Common side effects include low blood pressure (hypotension), low sodium levels (hyponatremia), and low potassium levels (hyperkalemia). 

Type 1 diabetes
Less common than Type 2, Type 1 diabetes is a genetic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. So, people affected by this condition have to take insulin every day. Regardless of the type of diabetes, treatment can be expensive, and so, one must consider health insurance to cover the cost of healthcare. People with diabetes can also get life insurance if they want to protect their family.

It is used along with healthy meals and a good exercise program to help manage Type 2 diabetes. This helps in controlling high blood sugar levels in the body efficiently.  

This treatment option helps manage the symptoms of chronic kidney disease and heart disease. It is also effective in lowering blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetic patients. 

It is a smart health device that keeps track of your sugar through self-testing. You have access to a glucose meter that gives real time data. 

The A1C test helps measure the average blood sugar levels in the body for the past 3 months. Getting the test done helps you find out if you are at risk for prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes. Anyone whose A1C level is 6.5 percent or higher is prone to diabetes and needs diagnosis.

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