8 Popular Natural Remedies for Treating Tinnitus

8 Popular Natural Remedies for Treating Tinnitus

Affecting almost 50 million people in the country, tinnitus is a sound that is not produced by any external source, it is rather a subjective noise that is only heard by the person. Most patients describe tinnitus as a high-pitched ringing tone which can be recurrent or continuous. However, it could also involve hissing, rumbling, buzzing, or snapping sounds.

Although tinnitus is not a severe health condition, it can cause an immense amount of irritation to the person suffering from it. This is because it can significantly interfere with your listening and concentration abilities. At times, it can also be a symptom of another medical problem.

What are the causes of tinnitus?
Usually, the primary reason of tinnitus is harm caused to the fine sensory hair situated in the cochlea of the inner ear. This can be a result of two consequences, i.e., aging and continued exposure to unreasonably harsh sounds. Apart from these two, here are some other causes of tinnitus:

  • Heart diseases
  • Excessive buildup of earwax
  • Diabetes
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Ear infections
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder)
  • Trapped foreign object
  • Severe injuries to the head, brain, and neck
  • Issues in the Eustachian tube
  • Rigid middle ear bones
  • Certain types of medications

Is there a natural cure for tinnitus?
If you are suffering from tinnitus, it is advised that you see an audiologist immediately. They will provide you with an accurate diagnosis and appropriate solutions. In cases of traumatic injuries, you might have to seek the assistance of a neurologist. Apart from medical treatments, there are several natural cures for tinnitus that can help you minimize the discomfort.

Here are some of the identified natural cures for tinnitus. However, before utilizing some of these, have a word with your doctor to ensure safety from any possible risks.

Foods to avoid – Your eating habits can play a significant role in influencing the condition of tinnitus. So, one of the best natural cure for tinnitus is detecting and eliminating trigger foods. Here are some common types of food ingredients that are known to exacerbate tinnitus.

  • Dairy products such as cheese, butter, milk chocolates, milk, cream, etc.
  • Beverages such as tea or coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Foods with high sugar content
  • Foods with high sodium content
  • Processed meats

However, responses to tinnitus vary from person to person. For instance, for one person, the trigger for intensifying tinnitus might be milk, but for others, it could be caffeine. So, you must carefully observe your diet to gain a substantial answer. With the help of a nutritionist, you can design a better diet to alleviate the discomfort caused by tinnitus.

Ginkgo biloba – Considered to be an effective natural cure for tinnitus, ginkgo biloba is an herb that can enhance your body’s overall circulation, which will eventually minimize the tinnitus. Additionally, it also has anti-bacterial qualities which can help in the treatment of infections. You can find this herb in various drug or food stores; however, ensure that you are not allergic to it.

Ginger – Loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, ginger helps in lessening swelling and detoxes the body. This natural cure for tinnitus also helps minimize the pain and nausea caused by tinnitus, and like ginkgo biloba, it also enhances the blood distribution in the head and neck. You can use ginger while preparing your daily meals or in beverages like tea. However, make sure that you don’t overuse it. The acceptable amount of ginger for consumption is about two to three grams a day.

Music therapy – Tinnitus can often cause difficulties while sleeping or concentrating. To counter this, you can use sound or music therapy. It involves the use of soothing music that can help you sleep or relax. You can find several therapeutic tunes online.

Meditation – More than physical discomfort, tinnitus can cause intense mental anguish. For instance, not being able to focus on work or sleep due to the persistent noises can interfere with daily tasks. Therefore, you must learn to master the mental senses and meditation is one way to do it. Meditating every day can soothe frustration and decrease overthinking. This may seem hard, but if you pursue this option consistently, you will surely notice some great results.

Quit smoking – Excessive smoking can severely affect your circulatory system, leading to reduced blood and oxygen flow in the ears. Moreover, the nicotine in cigarettes can affect the neurotransmitters situated in the auditory nerve, which alters your listening abilities. Giving up smoking will not just help get rid of tinnitus but will normalize your other body processes.

Ear plugs and muffs – If you happen to work or live in places where there is a lot of disturbance, then make sure to cover your ears with plugs or muffs. You can find either of these at medical centers, pharmacies, and music stores. Although these might not improve your tinnitus, they can prevent further worsening of the situation.

Alter medications – Certain forms of medicines can lead to aggravation of tinnitus. In such cases, get your dosages or drugs modified from your doctor. Remember to not make any changes by yourself.

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