8 Popular Rehab Centers to Help People Combat Addiction

8 Popular Rehab Centers to Help People Combat Addiction

Addiction is a menace, a social-evil that has been ruining and claiming lives as you speak. People often trivialize the ill-effects of an addiction, calling it a habit instead of recognizing the risk it poses. People can get addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, Internet, etc. It can be anything that the individual likes or relates to as a stress reliever. Substance abuse, more commonly known as drug abuse, is on the rise, particularly among teenagers and young adults who are more susceptible to adopt this destructive habit. However, everything’s not lost; you can always seek help for your loved ones at addiction rehab centers that are meant to help people overcome their addiction and embark on the route to sobriety.

Here are some of the top addiction rehab centers that have amazing programs meant to help people return to normalcy and retaining the same even after they overcome the addiction.

  • Recovery Centers of America
    Addiction to anything can traumatize the individual and their families. So, the onus lies on finding the best addiction rehab center for your loved ones. Recovery Centers of America has been hailed as one of the top addiction rehab centers, providing treatment for all types of addiction. Their individualized approach to treating the patients include drug and alcohol detoxification, individual and group therapy, case management, family counseling services for patient and the family, life-skills training, psychiatric care, and recovery resources meant to support the patients for life.
  • Hazelden Betty Ford Center
    Another popular addiction rehab center that has its branches spread across the nation is the Hazelden Betty Ford Center. In addition to the traditional 12-step program that is a part of addiction rehab centers, this addiction rehab center provides evidence-based treatment, specialized programs for patients with undertones of mental disorders, and recommends 90 days of residential treatment, which has yielded favorable results; this organization has reported 80% rate of recovery.
  • Elevate Addiction Services
    This addiction rehab center is located in scenic Northern California and caters to help patients combat all types of addictions. Elevate Addiction Services provides the perfect tranquil setting for the patients to recover from their addictions. They adopt a holistic approach to ensure that the person heals physically and emotionally. Unlike other addiction rehab centers, Elevate offers customized programs to each patient, and the activities are determined on the basis of the patient’s interests.
  • Ocean Breeze Recovery
    It is one of the top addiction rehab centers in the country. In fact, you can think of this as a luxury rehab where clients receive individualized treatment and care. They believe that the recovery from the addiction should be holistic; the treatment methods should heal the mind, body, and the spirit. This institution provides a variety of programs, therapy sessions, inpatient and outpatient treatment, yoga therapy, and gender-specific care.
  • Phoenix House
    This addiction rehab center has an interesting backstory: it was founded by 6 heroin addicts who were trying to stay clean. This addiction rehab center is a non-profit organization and has 11 treatment centers spread across the nation. It has 120 specialized programs that are meant to provide assistance to patients who are on their path to recovery. Instead of treating addiction as an offense, Phoenix House treats addiction as a chronic illness and provides support and management for overcoming the same.
  • Sober Living by the Sea
    Rated as one of the best addiction rehab centers in the country, Sober Living by the Sea has been active for over 25 years. This institution takes a clinical approach to treatment. A major part of the treatment involves determining any subsidiary mental disorders that might be associated with addiction. Moreover, they combine therapies with activities such as trekking or swimming that can put any troubled mind to ease.
  • United Recovery Project
    Instead of blaming the patient for the addiction, this institution devotes itself to help the patients heal and learn the ropes of leading an addiction-free life. The programs offered by this institution helps people, especially those who use chemicals as a coping mechanism to come to terms with their emotions and deal with the obstacles they face. Even after recovery, their Clinical Care team prepares an aftercare plan for the client so that they have enough tools to lead a healthy and sober life.
  • Rock Solid Recovery and Sure Haven
    The Rock Solid Recovery is a men’s addiction rehab center, whereas, Sure Haven, the sister center, is a woman’s rehab center. These are among the top-rated and intimate treatment facilities in the country. Each of these facilities is handled by highly-trained, multidisciplinary treatment staff, and they strive to provide each patient with individual attention and care. Moreover, these facilities offer inpatient treatment programs ranging from 30 days to 90 days, and this is determined by the patient’s needs. Instead of crowding its facilities, these addiction rehab centers admit 6 patients to men’s rehab center and 13 to the women’s rehab center. This allows them to receive the required attention and care.

Gone are the days when addiction rehab centers had a stigma attached to it. These centers are instrumental in helping individuals battling addiction get back on their feet, take reigns of their lives, and lead their lives without endangering themselves.

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