Best Diabetes Diets to Start Following Immediately

Best Diabetes Diets to Start Following Immediately

Diabetes and diets are closely linked; hence, they are one of the most important aspects to monitor. If you are diabetic, increase lean proteins and high fiber, while reducing processed carbohydrates in your diet. You must also increase your fruit, vegetable, and low-fat dairy food intake.

Hypertension Stopping Diet
This diet plan was designed to fight hypertension, but it is also found to be helpful in bringing down the risk of diabetes. Moreover, it may help in weight loss as this diet involves reducing portions and meal sizes.

Blood pressure is the primary focus of this diet. It focuses on including nutrients like magnesium potassium and calcium, and includes the following foods.

  • Seafood and poultry for protein
  • Fresh vegetables (especially beans) and fresh fruits
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Fat-free or low-fat dairy products
  • Whole grains
  • Vegetable oils for healthy fats

People on this diet should limit their sodium consumption to no more 1500 for a day. It is advisable to cut down on red meat and desserts.

Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet derives itself from the traditional Mediterranean cuisine and is one of the best diets for diabetes. This diet contains a high amount of naturally available oleic acid. It has been proven to reduce fasting sugar level and helps manage weight. Moreover, it lowers the risk of metabolic disorders. The following foods are included in the diet.

  • Chicken, eggs, and fatty fishes like salmon
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Olive oil and nuts

Paleolithic Diet
This diet is created on the assumption that current-day chronic diseases are caused due to modern agricultural practices. This diet includes foods that are possible to acquire by hunting and gathering, just like our ancestors acquired them. It is also considered as one of the best diets for diabetes and includes the following foods.

  • Chicken and fish
  • Non-starchy veggies and fruits
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Oil obtained from olives, coconuts or other seeds and nuts like flax and walnut

According to studies, the Paleolithic diet helps control glucose levels within a short span first time for type 2 diabetic patients. You can have all nuts except peanut in this diet.

Gluten-free Diet
Recently, the Gluten-free diet has become quite popular among Americans. This diet helps to counter celiac disease. People with both diabetes and celiac disease find this diet quite effective and one of the best.

Cereal like wheat, rye, and barley contain a protein that’s known as gluten. According to studies, 10% of Type 1 diabetics also suffer from celiac disease. Understand your gluten tolerance with the help of a professional before considering this diet.

A common misconception is that a gluten-free diet is same as low carb diet. Unless you have celiac disease, you don’t have to cross out gluten from your diet as it would only complicate your diet plan and create unnecessary issues.

Vegan/vegetarian Diet
A vegetarian diet is one that excludes meat, while a vegan diet is one that in excludes animal products as well. A vegan diet comprises the following foods.

  • Legumes, beans(soy) and leafy, dark-green veggies
  • Fresh fruits
  • Nuts
  • Whole Grains

This diet is undoubtedly healthy and considered as one of the best for diabetes. However, vegetarians or vegans could go deficit in a few nutrients due to lack of animal-derived nutrition.

A few elements have a high probability of being missing from a vegan’s plate are as follows.

Calcium is richly present in animal products like dairy and contributes to bone and teeth health. Vegetarians or vegans could opt for Broccoli and Kale to compensate for calcium.

The major source of iodine is seafood; hence, vegetarians and vegans might lose the necessary Iodine. Taking supplements could be a good alternative.

Vitamin B-12
The only source of vitamin B12 is animal products. So, taking supplements could be imperative for vegans and vegetarians to not go deficit in the vitamin.

Zinc is abundantly found in high-protein animal products, though it is not the sole source of this nutrient. Green leafy vegetables must be included in ample quantity to make up for the lack of this nutrient.

Regular Exercise
Along with monitoring blood glucose levels and meticulously planning the best diets for diabetes, regular exercise is an imperative part of diabetic health care. The glucose and a1c levels in the bloodstream remain in check when you exercise regularly.

Your insulin regimen is critical, and under no circumstances must you change the dosage. In case of doubt consult a doctor and get correct prescriptions before making any changes. Let your physician know about your exercise program and weight management before you start the diagnosis.

Before choosing among the best diets for diabetes, make sure you consult a nutritionist. Get expert advice on which diet suits your body condition the best. A verified approach would not only help manage your glucose levels, but also prevent complications in the future.

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