Best Foot Inserts that No One Told You About

Best Foot Inserts that No One Told You About

Foot inserts are also known as shoe inserts or even foot orthosis. The best foot inserts act as arch supports that are placed inside shoes and provide the required hold on our feet. Foot supports help provide comfort as they cushion our feet, reduce exhaustion while walking, help in relieving foot pain that arises due to arthritis, help in supporting the feet in case of injury, and also help athletes perform better.

Foot inserts are recommended by a podiatrist who would examine your problem and the requirements and tailor your needs for a custom-made foot insert. These orthotic devices can also be bought over-the-counter but should be bought taking into consideration your requirements, your health issue, and your shoe type. Buying foot inserts from the market is only recommended if you are looking for extra support and cushioning because, in case of any other injury or severe pain, a podiatrist would be the right person to consult.

Best foot inserts available over-the-counter
There are three types of foot inserts. They are as follows:

  • Arch supports : Arches are the curved areas present at the bottom of the feet. People may have different arch types. Some may have a high arch, whereas some may have low arches or even flat feet with no visible arches. Arch support inserts help in relieving the pain one experiences in the arches of the feet. This pain may be a result of several issues such as wearing shoes that are not comfortable or those that do not provide the right kind of support, standing or walking for prolonged periods, having a lot of body weight, and the overuse of feet during daily activities or sports activities. Some of the best foot inserts of this type include the following:
    • Arch Support Inserts By ViveSole : These arch support foot inserts help in supporting the arch of the foot and facilitating extra padding to the heel. This arch foot insert helps in providing relief from plantar fasciitis, which is the severe pain experienced on the inner side of the foot near the heels.
    • Natural Foot Orthotic Stabilizers : These arch support foot inserts help in dealing with plantar fasciitis, heel pains, back pains, foot pains and help in averting the flattening of the foot.
  • Insoles : Insoles or footbeds are additional layer pads that are inserted into the shoes for providing cushioning, comfort, warmth, and support. Insoles are foot inserts that are constructed using gels, plastic, or foam. Insoles are specifically designed to deal with the pain in the ankles, knee joints, or flank area and help in bearing shock, distributing body weight, and providing the right arch support. Some of the best foot inserts of this type include the following:
    • Gel Insoles by Dycarfell : These popular and best foot inserts are suitable for any shoe type and help in providing the required back posture and reducing the back pain caused due to standing for prolonged periods. These foot inserts are made of soft gel which has varying softness throughout its surface to provide the best support to the feet and the back.
    • Massaging Gel Soles By Dr. Scholl’s : These foot inserts are suitable for people who are tall. The shape of these inserts is wide and long enough to fit in shoes with bigger sizes. The bottom of such type of inserts is made up of plastic and help in providing the extra support to the heels. Due to the hard plastic material of which they are made up of, these shoe inserts are not recommended for people involved in sports activities.
  • Heel Liners : Heel liners are also called as heel cups, which help in facilitating the appropriate heel support. These inserts form the perfect barricade interface between the skin of the heel and the shoe so that your heels can stay protected from pain and blisters. Some of the best heel liners inserts include the following:
    • Dr. Scholl’s Gel Heel Liners : These popular and best foot inserts help in wearing any shoes for long time periods with comfort. These prevent the rubbing of shoes against the feet, help in the better fitting of shoes, prevents feet from developing blisters, and provide the required cushioning to the heels.
    • Medical Grade Silicon Heel Cup By HLYOON : These are heel cups or heel liners that are made up of soft silicone. The silicone material helps in preventing the occurrence of any shock to the feet making them shock resistant. They also help in preventing any strain to the feet that occurs due to ill-fitting shoes or wearing shoes for prolonged periods. HLYOON heel cups are highly recommended as they are a perfect pick for dealing with ankle fatigue or discomfort.

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