Best Skin Lightening Products

Best Skin Lightening Products

Skin lightening, or skin bleaching, is the procedure of lightening the skin tone using cosmetic products. Melanin is a pigment that determines your skin color. The higher the pigment concentration, the darker is the tone of your skin. It is a dream of many to achieve fair and flawless skin in today’s time and age. Minimum skin care, and overexposure to the sun and environmental pollution has left us with no choice but to reduce the melanin content in our body using natural and artificial products. Other causes of dark skin include stress and medical conditions like hyperpigmentation, a condition in which the secretion of melanin increases in your body.

Many people wish to achieve fair skin and there are numerous varieties of skin lightening creams available in the market. Below is the list of best skin lighteners that will help you achieve that flawless skin you always wanted. Some of the most popular best skin lighteners have been listed below.

Yogurt contains lactic acid that has properties similar to those of bleach. It helps remove dead pores from your skin. It also gives the required nutrients to your skin. Generally, plain yogurt is applied on the skin and washed away after a good 30 minutes. However, to moisturize your skin and give it a healthy look, you can add honey to it. Yogurt is considered as one of the best skin lighteners that are also easily available.

The next best skin lightener is orange as it has high Vitamin C content that is important in improving your skin tone. There are many lightening creams available in the market that have high Vitamin C content but if you can get that at home in a natural form, you should opt for that to save your skin from the side-effects of other treatments. There are many ways of using orange for skin lightening. The most basic is by applying orange pulp on your face and washing it off after 15-20 minutes.

Honey has the property of a moisturizing agent. It is an important ingredient that is used in many skin treatments. It not only moisturizes your skin but also removes the dead skin cells, and makes your skin look younger and brighter. Applying honey to your skin daily can help improve your skin tone, and give you a youthful and natural look.

Aloe Vera
Any Aloe Vera gel would help in the lightening of the skin. Aloe Vera helps decrease the hyperpigmentation in your body. As a result, new skin cells are generated and the damaged ones are rebuilt. When you apply Aloe Vera to the dark spots on your skin, you see that it works on uneven skin tone, and gives you an overall brighter look.

Turmeric is considered as one of the best natural skin lighteners. This is because turmeric has antiseptic properties that help improve your skin tone. Not only that, it also helps maintain melanin so that you have an even skin tone. Turmeric can be used by adding a little water and making a paste or by adding milk and honey to make a cream that will also moisturize your skin. There are many skin lightening creams that are prescribed by doctors. These creams have contents that reduce melanin levels, thereby lightening your complexion. However, these creams shouldn’t be used until prescribed by a physician as they can have harmful side effects. Some of the skin lightening creams are banned in certain countries because of their mercury content that can cause severe damage to the skin.

Laser treatment
Laser treatment is not one of the best skin lighteners, but it helps in the process of skin lightening. The treatment is done by removing the dark layer of the skin or damaging the cells that produce the melanin pigments. However, laser therapy is very costly and is first tested on a small part of the surface to see how the skin reacts to it.
The above remedies are to lighten your skin. However, in any case, home remedies are the best as they are cost-efficient and do not cause any major side effects. The only disadvantage with home remedies is that they are slow in effect and work only when applied properly and monitored on a daily basis.

For those who are naturally fair, a little maintenance of your skin will help you achieve your goal. It is, however, important to remember that healthy skin is more important than fair skin. Achieving healthy skin is a baby step towards achieving fair skin.

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