Best Yeast Infection Remedies That Actually Work

Best Yeast Infection Remedies That Actually Work

The large community of microorganisms called microbiota that inhabit the human body are mostly beneficial. They help in various functions like—digestion, immunity and so on. The microbiota that is composed of bacteria, fungus, virus etc. has to be in the correct proportion. If for some reason, one organism begins to proliferate, it can cause infection, allergies, rashes etc.

Yeast Infection

The yeast is a fungus referred to as candida in science. These are present in various parts of the body, as part of the microbiota. In any case, if the yeast colony multiplies beyond proportion, they can cause various problems.

  • The most common form of yeast infection is the one that affects the vaginal region in women.
  • Thrush is a yeast infection, that can affect the corners of the mouth and the throat.
  • The thrush that affects the throat is called Candida Esophagus. It can cause pain and difficulty in swallowing food.
  • Skin yeast infections can result in rashes and itching.
  • The bloodstream is vulnerable to yeast infection. In this case, the condition is serious and can be fatal.

Common Yeast Infections

Yeast infection in the genital region, especially in women, occurs more often than other areas. Certain antibiotics, pregnancy, oral contraceptives, and hormone therapy sometimes affect the balance of microorganisms.

The bacteria present in this region produce acids, that keep the fungal colony in control. If the bacteria are depleted by antibiotics or other factors, the yeast colony can grow out of control and can cause rashes, itching, and pain. The most common culprit is the yeast known as Candida Albicans.

The Best Yeast Infection Remedies

You can consult a doctor or get over the counter (OTC) yeast infection remedies. However, women have been suffering from this malady for a long time, and this is not a condition that women discuss freely with others.

Following are some of the popular remedies that you can try.


An imbalance in the microbiota triggers this infection. So, anything that encourages the healthy growth of the microbial colony can be helpful. Yoghurt contains probiotics, helpful bacteria called Lactobacillus Acidophilus. This microorganism can help control the growth of the yeast colony, and thus curb the infection.

Yoghurt can be consumed as a food regularly to keep your body healthy, and to maintain a good balance in the microbiota. You can also apply yogurt to the infected area and leave it for several hours before you wash it off.

Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the best Apple Cider Vinegar’s benefits is its ability to control fungal infection. Add 3 tablespoons of raw ACV to water. Douche the infected area with this liquid. You can add colloidal silver to this mix because it can enhance the effect of ACV against candida.

Boric Acid

Topical application of boric acid can help cure yeast infection. However, you should be extremely careful when using boric acid. It is toxic if it gets into your system. Don’t use it if you have open wounds or scratches in the area, or if you are pregnant. You should use the right amount, do not apply too much in a hurry to get relief.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antifungal properties. However, tea tree oil in its pure form can be strong and irritate the skin. Dilute it with a carrier oil like coconut oil, and try it on your wrist to see if you are allergic to it. If you do not have an adverse reaction, soak a tampon in a mixture of coconut oil and tea tree oil and insert it into your vagina, and leave it there for a few hours.

Oregano Oil

Oil of oregano is also a good remedy for yeast infection. You should buy wild oregano oil, the oil of Oregano Vulgaris , and not the common Oregano Marjoram . Wild Oregano has thymol and carvacrol which are powerful antifungals. Mix this oil in a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil. This is applied in the same way as tea tree oil.


Garlic has a lot of amazing health benefits. It also has antifungal properties. Eating a few garlic cloves can help fight yeast infection.


Cranberries are another healthy food, that can also help in preventing, and curing yeast infection. Drink a full glass of unsweetened cranberry juice each day, and you can get a lot of health benefits from it.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is effective against C.albicans . You can apply coconut oil topically in the affected area. You can also use it as a base for essential oils like tea tree oil or oil of wild oregano. These remedies begin to show effect within a few days or utmost, a week. Most of the times, they are potent enough to cure the infection and get rid of its effects. If you are unable to find relief, even after using some of these home remedies, consult a doctor.

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