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Do You Have these Low Sugar Symptoms?

Do You Have these Low Sugar Symptoms?

Have you been experiencing some changes lately but not sure what those are? Your body may be displaying low sugar symptoms. Hypoglycemia, a condition referred to commonly as low blood sugar, occurs in your body when the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood dips below the normal levels. As glucose is a vital source of energy in the human body, having this condition may affect the functioning of your muscles and brain cells owing to the lack of sufficient energy. In most people, the onset of hypoglycemia means that their blood sugar level is below 70 mg/dl. Low blood sugar is usually found in people who have diabetes, and it can happen even if you are taking care to manage the disease. It is especially common in people with type 2 diabetes, and in those who are taking insulin to treat their diabetes. In most cases, hypoglycemia is mild and you can treat it easily by consuming a small amount of food that is rich in glucose. Having low blood sugar levels in your body can lead to other health complications, both short-term and long-term. If left untreated, hypoglycemia can cause clumsiness, confusion, and fainting spells, while long-term complications of the condition include coma, seizures, and even death.
Top Tips to Create Ideal Diet for Diabetes

Top Tips to Create Ideal Diet for Diabetes

If you have diabetes, food plays an important part in managing your symptoms. Here’s how you can put together diets for diabetes patients. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it means that you have high levels of glucose (blood sugar), which can cause further health problems. There are different types of the disease—chronic diabetes includes type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, while prediabetes (high blood sugar levels, but does not qualify as diabetes) and gestational diabetes (occurs when a woman is pregnant but can dissipate after delivery) are the types of potentially reversible diabetic conditions. Noticing any diabetes symptoms and reporting them to a medical professional at the earliest is vital, as early detection means you can start your treatment early, and thus achieve optimum results from the treatment. In addition to conventional diabetes treatments, there are certain natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can ease the symptoms and provide significant relief to people suffering from the disease. Diets and diabetes go hand in hand, as what you eat and don’t eat plays a major role in your diabetes treatment. The medical term for a diabetes diet is medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for diabetes, which entails eating different foods that are high in nutrition, moderate quantities of food, and sticking to mealtimes.
Common Diabetes Symptoms that You Should Take Seriously

Common Diabetes Symptoms that You Should Take Seriously

There may be various warning signs of diabetes, which you may have been ignoring till now. Knowing the common diabetes symptoms can help in early detection and treatment of the condition. Diabetes is a serious condition, and is not to be taken lightly. If a person has diabetes, it means that his or her body is not effectively producing or using the hormone called insulin. This hormone is necessary to help the body use glucose (sugar in your blood) and clear it from the bloodstream. When this malfunctions, the glucose starts building up in your blood and can cause various health complications and diabetes symptoms. In a few cases, people may have diabetes and yet not experienced any of the usual diabetes symptoms. Diabetes symptoms can vary depending on the type of diabetes (type 1 or type 2) you have. However there are some common diabetes symptoms that may be a warning sign for you to visit a doctor. Here’s a list of some diabetes symptoms that may often be subtle, but you still need to look out for. Noticing any of these diabetes symptoms as soon as they appear can help in early diagnosis of the disease and in deriving maximum benefits from the treatment.