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You Probably Did Not Know About These Treatment HIV Side Effects

You Probably Did Not Know About These Treatment HIV Side Effects

You treatment HIV drugs may be causing side effects as severe as the symptoms of the infection itself. Known when you need to seek help. The HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus causes an infection in your body. This virus works by attacking the immune system cells of your body. In general, your immune system is equipped to isolate foreign viruses, and create antibodies to fight against them. For some reason, this process does not work with HIV. Not only does the immune system find itself unable to attack the HIV, it also begins to actively deteriorate under the effect of the virus. The virus actively targets and destroys the T-helper cells or CD4 white blood cells. The treatment HIV depends on the strain of HIV you have contracted. The most common type of HIV all over the world is of the HIV-1 strain. The HIV-2 strain is most commonly found in Western Africa, with a few stray cases seen in Europe and India. What to Do before Treatment HIV starts The first thing to do before treatment HIV starts is to speak to your doctor about all aspects of your medical history including what prescriptions you are on, what over-the-counter (OTC) medications you take, and whether you use any alternative therapies or recreational drugs.
Do You Have These Milk Intolerance Symptoms?

Do You Have These Milk Intolerance Symptoms?

Milk intolerance is a condition where the body is not able to easily digest the natural sugar that is found in milk leading to several gastrointestinal problems on the consumption of milk or any other dairy products. Watch out for these milk intolerance symptoms so you can avoid the inconvenience. Inability to digest lactose is medically termed as lactose or milk intolerance. Milk intolerance is a condition that is caused by the deficiency of the intestinal enzyme called lactase, which splits lactose into two sugars called glucose and galactose. This splitting is what helps lactose to be absorbed by the intestine. Hence it can be said that milk intolerance is a direct effect of a lactase deficiency.   Lactase deficiency is caused in the body due to a certain mutation in the gene that is responsible for the production of lactase. This condition is also referred to as a congenital cause of milk intolerance. Secondary causes of milk intolerance include damaged lining of the small intestine and developmental lactose intolerance, which is a gradual genetically programmed decrease in the amount of lactase produced from the patient’s childhood itself. This decrease continues through adulthood, and is categorized as adult-type hypolactasia. The severity of milk intolerance varies depending on the amount of lactose that has been consumed by the patient.
These Common Medical Conditions are Causing Your Osteoporosis Bone Loss

These Common Medical Conditions are Causing Your Osteoporosis Bone Loss

There are certain common medical conditions that are specifically linked with osteoporosis bone loss. Here’s what you need to watch out for. The bone is a living tissue, and as such it is constantly being broken down to create new bone. However, when the rebuilding process is slower than the breaking down process, the bones become fragile and brittle. This is what happens when you develop osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is more common in women than men, and affects about 200 million women all over the world. Even though this disorder affects women of all age and races, it is more common in older white and Asian women. When you are suffering from osteoporosis and it reaches an advanced stage, fractures become a part of daily life. The fractures that are associated with osteoporosis usually occur in your spine, hip, and wrist. The bones become so brittle that even everyday activities like bending over or stepping on to the pavement can result in fractures. Early stages of osteoporosis do not show any symptoms, but when it reaches an advanced stage, symptoms like loss of height, back pain, neck pain, fractures, and stooping posture can be seen. A simple bone density test that shows the extent of osteoporosis bone loss is used when you want to diagnose this disorder.