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Do Not Ignore These Testicular Cancer Symptoms

Do Not Ignore These Testicular Cancer Symptoms

Testicular cancer is a life-threatening disease. Early detection of the cancer results in a better prognosis. Watch out for these testicular cancer symptoms, and seek help if you notice them. Testicular cancer is a disease that is characterized by the growth of cancerous cells in the testes of the male reproductive system. The cancer is said to have metastasized if the cancer begins to multiply and spread to the other healthy organs of the body through the bloodstream. However, the good news is that unlike most cancer cases, testicular cancer can be cured even after metastasis. In general, testicular cancer begins in the cells that produce immature sperms in the testicle, these cells are called germ cells. . There are different types of testicular cancers, such as carcinoma in situ, seminomas, non-seminomas, stromal tumors, Leydig cell tumors, sertoli cell tumors, secondary testicular tumors, etc. Although it is curable, many people lose their lives to this cancer because the testicular cancer symptoms are not diagnosed early enough. In order to ensure early detection and treatment of the disease in time, it is essential to know about the various significant testicular cancer symptoms. Testicular Lump One of the early testicular cancer symptoms includes the development of a pea-sized swelling or a lump in either testicle.
Do You Have These Milk Intolerance Symptoms?

Do You Have These Milk Intolerance Symptoms?

Milk intolerance is a condition where the body is not able to easily digest the natural sugar that is found in milk leading to several gastrointestinal problems on the consumption of milk or any other dairy products. Watch out for these milk intolerance symptoms so you can avoid the inconvenience. Inability to digest lactose is medically termed as lactose or milk intolerance. Milk intolerance is a condition that is caused by the deficiency of the intestinal enzyme called lactase, which splits lactose into two sugars called glucose and galactose. This splitting is what helps lactose to be absorbed by the intestine. Hence it can be said that milk intolerance is a direct effect of a lactase deficiency.   Lactase deficiency is caused in the body due to a certain mutation in the gene that is responsible for the production of lactase. This condition is also referred to as a congenital cause of milk intolerance. Secondary causes of milk intolerance include damaged lining of the small intestine and developmental lactose intolerance, which is a gradual genetically programmed decrease in the amount of lactase produced from the patient’s childhood itself. This decrease continues through adulthood, and is categorized as adult-type hypolactasia. The severity of milk intolerance varies depending on the amount of lactose that has been consumed by the patient.
Do You Have these Low Sugar Symptoms?

Do You Have these Low Sugar Symptoms?

Have you been experiencing some changes lately but not sure what those are? Your body may be displaying low sugar symptoms. Hypoglycemia, a condition referred to commonly as low blood sugar, occurs in your body when the amount of glucose (sugar) in your blood dips below the normal levels. As glucose is a vital source of energy in the human body, having this condition may affect the functioning of your muscles and brain cells owing to the lack of sufficient energy. In most people, the onset of hypoglycemia means that their blood sugar level is below 70 mg/dl. Low blood sugar is usually found in people who have diabetes, and it can happen even if you are taking care to manage the disease. It is especially common in people with type 2 diabetes, and in those who are taking insulin to treat their diabetes. In most cases, hypoglycemia is mild and you can treat it easily by consuming a small amount of food that is rich in glucose. Having low blood sugar levels in your body can lead to other health complications, both short-term and long-term. If left untreated, hypoglycemia can cause clumsiness, confusion, and fainting spells, while long-term complications of the condition include coma, seizures, and even death.