Curb That Thigh Cellulite with These 6 Simple Exercises

Curb That Thigh Cellulite with These 6 Simple Exercises

If you think cellulite affects only obese people, you’ve got it all wrong. The lumpy, dimpled skin condition occurs in ninety percent of women, some time or the other in their lives. Researchers suggest that cellulite runs in the genes. However, genetics is only the tip of the iceberg of cellulite trouble; other factors like diet, exercise, blood circulation, and muscle tone also play an important role. It’s best to do cellulite exercises that curb those fats showing through the skin. Cellulite generally starts showing around the thighs, buttocks, arms and stomach area, and there are simple exercises to tackle them all in every part of the body. It’s just that you got to get it right. There’s no need for cosmetic help, crash diets, or spending loads of money to get that cellulite out of the way.

Just because it’s all about fat, many people have a notion that losing body fat is a good way to get rid of cellulite, but that’s not completely true. Toning and strengthening the muscles in the cellulite-prone areas will help to maintain the shape of the shape. Here are a few cellulite exercises for thighs to keep the lumpy look at bay.

Clockwork lunge

  • This is one of the most effective cellulite exercises for thighs.
  • Stand straight with both hands on your hips and keep your feet hip-width apart.
  • Put your right foot forward at 12 o’ clock position and take a big step keeping the left foot firm in its position. Lower your body and bend your right knee at 90° and your left knee should be almost touching the floor. Push yourself towards the starting position.
  • Now, take a big step to the right at 3’o clock angle with your right foot. Bend the right knee at 90° keeping the other leg stretched as straight as possible without bending. Return to the starting position.
  • Next, take a big step back on the right foot. Lower your body until left leg is bent at 90° and the right knee is close to the floor. Get back to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same process with the left foot. The lunges move like a clock’s motion and doing ten lunges on one side at the beginning should be good enough. You can increase the number of lunges gradually.

Plié with alternating heel ups

  • This is another ser of cellulite exercises for thighs.
  • Stand with your feet way wide and toes pointed out.
  • Tuck your hips and take it down. The thighs have to be parallel to the floor. Your back should be straight.
  • Get back to the standing position. Repeat 15 times.
  • Push your hips in the similar position as earlier. Put the right heel up keeping the toes firmly touching the ground and bring it down. Repeat the same with the left heel. Get into the rhythm: heel up, heel down (right), heel up, heel down (left). Repeat this fifteen times.

Squat and kick

  • This is one of the simplest cellulite exercises for thighs.
  • Stand with your feet away from each other; keep them shoulder-width apart. Now squat.
  • Move back to the standing position by switching your body weight to the right leg and by lifting your left leg by kicking it out.
  • Go back to the squat position. Now raise yourself to a standing position by switching your body weight to the left leg, while lifting the right leg as if to kick out. Continue this exercise for one minute.

Squatting Calf Raise

  • Keep your feet away from each other at about shoulder-width apart. Your toes should be pointing out. Bend your knees at 90° angle and push the hips down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep the back straight as much as possible.
  • Shift your body weight to your toes and balls of the feet and raise the heels; squeeze the calves. Get back to the standing position and lower the heels.

Butterfly stretch

  • Sit on the floor with your back straight, shoulders out, and bring your feet together.
  • Push your knees down to the ground using your arms.
  • Maintain the position for about half a minute and then release gradually.

Circles in the Sky

  • Lie down on the ground. Put your hands behind your head for support and stretch your legs straight.
  • Raise your shoulders slightly so that they are a little off the ground. Lift the right leg to 90° angle and the left leg slightly off the ground.
  • Gradually rotate the right leg in small circles in a clockwise direction several times and then move it in the opposite direction.
  • Lower your legs to the ground. Do the same with the left leg.

All cellulite exercises for thighs can be done at home without any machinery to reduce those lumpy fats.

One can try quality products from Klean Athlete and Clove to enhance body fitness and workout routines. Klean Athlete products include health supplements and other nutrient-rich items for maximal fitness, whereas Clove offers some of the best shoes for healthcare providers, such as nursing shoes for men and women. One can get amazing discounts on these health-centric products by seeking Goclove coupons and Klean Athlete coupons online. 

If you are looking to invest in some workout equipment, there are some Sunny Health and Fitness coupons available that can offer up to $200 off on products. Dealspotr is running these promo codes that can benefit your fitness journey, so make sure you explore your options before purchasing any exercise machines.

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