Dealing With Sociopathic Personality Disorder

Dealing With Sociopathic Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are on the rise. Generally, such disorders cause discomfort to the person suffering from such a condition. However, Sociopathic Personality Disorder also has damaging effects on the people around the patient, who suffers from this disorder. More prevalent in men than women, Sociopathic Personality Disorder is medically defined as a mental health condition in which a person exhibits antisocial behaviour without any care/concern for the people around him and with no intention to follow societal norms. This sort of a behaviour is exhibited in the long term with the intention to violate other’s rights.

While it is not possible to pinpoint the exact cause of this personality disorder, an interplay of genes and environmental factors like child abuse, can lead to this condition.

Identifying A Sociopath

A sociopath can be identified through the traits exhibited. These are hallmark traits and the presence of 3 or more, can confirm that it’s a case of sociopathic personality disorder.

  • Lack of concern towards other people and their feelings
  • Not conforming to the rules and norms of society, thus violating the law
  • Deceitfulness, with an intention to con and cheat people intentionally
  • Easily builds relationships through deception, but cannot sustain the relationship
  • Always putting the blame on others
  • No remorse or feelings of guilt, for their actions
  • Aggressive, very low tolerance levels, often culminating in violence
  • Inconsistent behaviour
  • Impulsive behavior, combined with the inability to plan ahead

Sociopaths are deceitful people who con their way to people’s heart. If you’re able to identify someone who suffers from this personality disorder, here is how you can deal with him.

Be emotionally strong in his company

Sociopaths are known manipulators. So, be very careful and don’t let them take advantage of your emotional weakness. Stay composed and shut all your feelings out, when you are in the unavoidable company of a sociopath.

Refrain from divulging your personal information

It’s always best to keep all your personal information to yourself, more so if a sociopath is always around you. Whether it’s about your family, finances or business, be tight lipped as sociopaths can land you in a soup, after extracting all your confidential details.

Maintain a neutral conversation

When in doubt, it’s always best to keep the conversation neutral, talk about the weather or a sport. Refrain from veering the conversation towards controversial subjects such as politics, so that you don’t get caught in their web of words.

Take their opinions with a pinch of salt

Think twice before you react to their statements. Some of it may be directed towards triggering your anger. It’s best that you don’t take in every word said, verbatim.


Based on the features exhibited, sociopathic personality disorder has many subtypes. These include eccentric disorders and erratic behaviour disorders.

Eccentric Disorders

Paranoid disorder: People with paranoid disorder are a complete failure when it comes to maintaining enduring relationships, as they are always guided by suspicion and mistrust.

Schizoid disorder: These people hate socializing and do not care for approval or attention for their actions. They justify their own actions.

Schizotypal disorder: Exhibiting bizarre mannerisms and sense of dressing, they display odd behaviour and thinking.

Erratic Behavioral Disorders

Histrionic disorder: Very dramatic and exhibiting exaggerated emotions, those suffering from this type of disorder are constant attention seekers.

Borderline disorder: Lacking rational thinking, people suffering from this type of personality disorder have a very volatile thought process, leading to sudden and angry outbursts. The fear of rejection or abandonment, looms large in their minds.

Narcissistic Personality disorder: Displaying a total lack of empathy towards others, these constant attention seekers keep away from situations where they are not accorded due importance.

Anxiety related disorders:

Dependent personality disorder: A clingy person, who needs constant reassurance.

Avoidant personality disorder: A constant fear of rejection, those with this type of disorder have a lot of social inhibitions, fueled by a negative approach.

Obsessive compulsive personality disorder: A stickler for rules and orderliness, people with this disorder are generally workaholics.

Treatment Options

These disorders are not easy to treat and those suffering from them must voluntarily come on their own and seek treatment. Therapies, medication and counseling sessions can help to overcome the disorder. The commonly employed therapies include psychotherapy and cognitive therapy.

Both the therapies aim to expose the abnormal behavior and how the person affects his own and other people’s well being. Seeking professional help, combined with a willingness to address one’s own abnormal behavior, can help to effectively treat sociopathic personality disorder.

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