Effective Diet Plans for IBS

Effective Diet Plans for IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a problem that affects the large intestine. It can cause abdominal cramping, bloating, and a change in bowel habits. IBS does require the medical intervention, but were you aware that there exist quite a few effective IBS diet plans that can help you better your symptoms. We have scoured the internet and have found you the best diet plans that help to reduce the bothersome symptoms, thus helping you work towards and healthy and happy life.

Here are five amazing IBS diet plans.

The high-fiber diet
You might be aware that fibrous foods are known to add bulks to the stools, which in turn helps in movement. An adult must eat about 20-35 grams of fiber in a day, on an average. While this looks less-complicated, the digestive and kidney diseases and National Institute of Diabetes claims that average people limit their fiber food intake to only 5-14 grams a day.

Fiber-enriched food items for supposing vegetables and fruits followed by whole grains, are quite healthy and keep away from constipation issues. But, if you go through bloating issues from too much intake of fiber, try concentrating on fiber items that are soluble in vegetables and fruits rather than grains.

The low-fiber diet
Fiber intake may sound helpful and effective for IBS sufferers, but too much of fiber can make the symptoms of diarrhea and gas worse. Before ruling out fiber food items from your diet, try committing on soluble fiber sources present in berries, oatmeal, carrots, and apples. The food with soluble fiber quite easily dissolves in the water rather than adding some more bulk associated with fiber that is non-soluble. Food items that have non-soluble fibers are nuts, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, raisins and whole grains.

You can also go ahead and choose medicines that are anti-diarrheal 30 minutes before fiber intake, and lessen the effects. This method is helpful while dining out and during travel. However, it’s better if you do not depend on medications.

Gluten diet
This is one of the effective IBS diet plans. For those who are clueless, gluten is a protein which is found in pasta, bread, and other such products of grain. The proteins, if you are aware of, can have your intestines damaged, if you are intolerant to gluten. People intolerant and sensitive to gluten also suffer from IBS. In this case, a gluten-free diet might be able to help you out with battling the symptoms.

Try cutting out wheat, rye, and barley from your diet altogether, to check if the gastrointestinal issues improve. If you are pasta and bread lover, there is a ray of light; gluten-free bread and pasta are now available in health stores and supermarkets.

The elimination diet
The elimination diet is one of the best IBS diet plans. It aims at restricting specific foods for a long duration to check if your symptoms of IBS improves by any chance. The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) suggests in slacking out the four main culprits; nuts, insoluble fiber, chocolate, and coffee.

However, you must say no to any food items that you doubt on. Try eliminating food for about a year at a time. Note down the differences and changes in your next symptoms of IBS and move ahead with your elimination process for the next food item.

Low-fat diet
You must be aware that high-fat foods are the major reasons behind all the deadly issues. However, they can be real disasters for the IBS patients, by worsening their symptoms. Foods that are high in fat are low in fiber, which in turn is quite problematic for people with IBS birthed constipation. Fatty foods are dangerous for those who suffer from mixed IBS. Mixed IBS is a deadly combination of diarrhea and constipation.

Indulging in a diet that is low in fat is amazing for your heart and might also better the irksome symptoms of the bowel. Replace the animal fats and fried foods with a fresh bowl of vegetables and fruits followed by lean meat, low-fat dairy items, and grains.

Recommended diet
While certain foods might prove effective in treating and curing IBS, but remember we are all different and have a different way of reacting and responding to food items and diet plans. Try analyzing your symptoms carefully with the help of your family physician before you commit to a new diet plan. Keep a check on how your body reacts to specific diets or the ones that you have taken up, to fit in the right diet plan.

Apart from following one of the IBS diet plans, drinking ample water a day and exercise well, besides reducing the intake of caffeine to minimize IBS issues, and support regularity.

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