Effective Home Remedies to Treat Cavities

Effective Home Remedies to Treat Cavities

Caries, the other word for cavities, can be defined as the small holes or openings in the teeth that are a result of decaying tooth. To be able to know as to how to treat cavities, first, it’s important to know the causes of cavities. Cavities are a result of plaque and bacteria that builds its home on the teeth’s surface. Also, one who does not follow a good dental hygiene and does not have enough minerals in the diet is prone to having cavities in their teeth.

When learning about how to treat cavities, it is important to note that most of them are irreversible and would require immediate attention. It is best to get cavities checked by a dentist and ask if you need fillings, fluoride treatments, or extractions. But, in some cases, cavities can be treated at home by using a combination of good diet and tooth re-mineralization. In this article we will discuss how to treat cavities at home along with some preventive measures that can be taken to prevent cavities in the first place itself.

In order to be able to treat cavities, it is important to be aware of the signs& symptoms of cavities. Once you have recognized the following signs, commence the treatment without further delay. This will help you save your tooth and will also help get rid of the constant pain and sensitivity that one experiences if he or she has cavities.

Following are the symptoms of cavities

  • Be subjected to toothache or sensitivity.
  • Experiencing mild to sharp pain while eating or drinking something hot or cold.
  • Experiencing pain while biting food.
  • Dark-stained pits and holes on the tooth/teeth.
  • Breaking or chipping of the teeth, thus exposing a black inner surface.
  • Bad taste in the mouth.
  • Bad breadth even after brushing.

There are some cavities, not visible to the naked eye that reside at the back of the mouth or between teeth. Now these cavities, although, don’t cause pain, can be identified only through ultrasound, x-rays, and/or fluorescent lighting. Therefore, it is extremely important to see your dentist regularly in order to keep your teeth in good health.

How to treat cavities at home
Studies have often suggested lack of vitamin D as the main cause of cavities. When the body doesn’t get enough vitamin D, teeth become quite prone to cavities as well as tooth decay. Here are some of the common known factors that have a role in creating cavities. These are:

  • Having a dry mouth or having a medical condition that moderates saliva secretion in the mouth.
  • Eating a lot of candies and sticky food as well.
  • Repeated munching and snacking on foods loaded with sugar and sweetened drinks like cola, and other aerated beverages, ice – creams, etc.
  • Heartburn or acidity
  • Poor oral hygiene

Remember, if the cavity is able to make its way in to the dentin, you need to see a dentist immediately. Here are some remedies of how to treat cavities or treat pre-cavities by re-mineralizing the weak areas of the enamel.

  • Clove – Easily available in every home, clove is the most important and helpful ingredient that helps in treating most of the dental problems. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, clove helps in alleviating pain and also prevents cavity from spreading in the mouth.
  • Licorice root – Licorice plant, derived from Licorice root, is known to fight bacteria causing cavities and also plays a pivotal role in reducing S. mutans dancing in the mouth.
  • Oil pulling – An ancient practice, oil pulling involves swishing or swirling around coconut or sesame oil in the mouth for approximately 20 minutes, and then spitting it out. Oil pulling is known to help in geeting rid of the toxins and also reduces gingivitis, plaque, and other bacteria hiding in the mouth.
  • Vitamin D – In order to treat cavities, it is important to have enough vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphate present in the food we eat. You can have your dosage of vitamin D from dairy products, like yogurt, cheese and milk. It is also advised to get enough sunlight as it is the biggest source of vitamin C.
  • Sugar-free gum – the easiest way to remineralize enamel is by chewing sugar free gum after every meal. These gums are loaded with casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP), a compound that is known to reduce S. mutans.
  • Brushing with fluoride toothpaste – Studies have shown that regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste helps in preventing cavities and is also excellent for re-mineralizing the enamel.
  • Avoid sugary foods – Stop eating too much sugar if you want to prevent cavities from eating up your teeth. Eating sugar has been regarded, by The WHO, as one of the main causes of cavities. In order to prevent cavity formation, reduce your sugar consumption to less than 10 percent of the daily calorie intake.

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