Effective Medicines That Treat and Reduce Chronic Pain

Effective Medicines That Treat and Reduce Chronic Pain

Pain, be it any, poses some certain challenges in one’s healthy life. Besides being annoying, chronic pain can also compel you to take a leave not only from work or college but also from things that you love doing, or do on a regular basis. In an age, where we are all bound with limited time to work on our commitments and keep up with the fast-paced life, pain and aches can get on our way and prove to be distressing.

We have rounded up the top-rated chronic pain medicines to help you battle out the chronic pain and lead a life full of bliss.

Chronic pain medicines to help you break free from severe pain

Chronic pain medicines are often known to keep the chronic pain under control. However, in several cases, chronic pain medicines might as well take weeks to show any signs of effect. Chronic pain medicines are always suggested to be used along with the other known treatments; counseling, physical therapy to name a few for best results.

Pills for pain
Most of you would like to begin with chronic pain medicines that have the lowest levels of side-effects (acetaminophen for suppose). The dose or medicine would be changed as per requirement. Be extra careful before popping in medicines, and follow all the given instructions.

  • Acetaminophen like Tylenol
  • Anti-depressants like Duloxetine or Amitriptyline.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs) like aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen
  • Anticonvulsants like pregabalin or gabapentin
  • Opiate pain pills like hydrocodone (Norco, for example).

Some of the most recommended painkillers and all that you need to know about them

  • Acetaminophen
    This particular medicine aims to treat a large variety of severe and chronic pain. It is worth remembering that most prescribed medicines and over-the-counter medicines possess acetaminophen. If you are not careful enough, you might swallow down more acetaminophen than required thus giving way to liver damage, especially if you are too much of an alcohol lover. In case you have popped in more than two acetaminophen tablets on a single day, try consulting your doctor immediately for assistance.
  • Narcotics
    Narcotics are addictive, and that’s the exact reason why doctors are always extra careful before writing them down on the prescription. For people who suffer from severe pain, narcotics are like life-saviors to them, and also comprise an integral part of their therapy/treatment. If you have narcotics prescribed by a doctor, make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Consult your doctor right away, in case you are feeling some uneasiness or uncomfortable which might come along with these medicines. Use of these medications might cause lack of concentration or thinking inability. Remember not to operate any kind of heavy machinery or drive post the intake of these medicines.
  • Muscle relaxants
    Muscle relaxants are generally used to treat pain and aches related to muscle sprains, spasms or strains. The relaxants would actually improve the sleep quality that is essential to curing pain and would also help strengthen the muscles.
    Muscle relaxants might not be prescribed for chronic pain but are most often used for pain resulting from fibromyalgia, and lower back pain.
  • Corticosteroids
    Steroids are actually powerful anti-inflammatory medicines which can either be injected or taken orally. If the prescribed NSAIDs are not effective enough in treating your pain, then your doctor might suggest you with corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are actually responsible for preventing the body from producing any inflammatory causing chemicals.
    Steroids, however, are powerful and are quite often associated with weight gain. While you cannot stop them altogether, you can always lower the dosage levels.
    Corticosteroids are actually used to treat osteoarthritis, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis and also severe lower back pain.

Other known medicines to treat chronic pain
There are varieties of drugs which aim to treat chronic pain, even though they are made for some specific illnesses. For instance, carbamazepine is actually a seizure medicine which can also be used to treat few kinds of pain. On the other hand, Amitriptyline is an antidepressant but is also used to relieve pain.

Painkillers or medications for chronic pain might be large in number, but you should always consult a doctor or pharmacist before you actually go ahead and buy it.

Are there times when pain care medicines do not work? Yes, there are!

More often or not, chronic pain medicines tend to lose out on its potentiality to work when used for a long period of time. This happens as the body grows immune to it. If you have experienced the situation, where medicines have shown no signs of effect, then you might as well wish to consult your doctor for an alternative or an add-on. Your doctor can help you with this procedure.

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