Effective Remedies for Chronic Cough

Effective Remedies for Chronic Cough

A normal cough is good. It removes the irritants and phlegm from the throat. But a chronic cough for longer durations is troublesome. It could be caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Some other likely causes of a chronic cough are asthma, sinus problem, smoking, whooping cough, allergy, cystic fibrosis, postnatal drip, and medications. GERD (Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease) also worsens a chronic cough.

There are many over-the-counter medications which prove effective to treat a chronic cough. However, there are some herbal chronic cough remedies which work effectively to treat the problem.

Some of the best chronic cough remedies are:

  • Honey
    Honey is known for its properties to treat the symptoms of a chronic cough. It gives proven results to treat a cough as compared to dextromethorphan, a cough suppressant. Honey relieves irritation and sore throat.
    Take two teaspoons of honey and lemon. Add it to a glass of warm water and drink it straight. You can even eat two teaspoons of honey. Honey gives quick relief and soothes the throat. This is one of the best chronic cough remedies.
  • Licorice Root tea
    Licorice tea has great properties as an expectorant and demulcent. Take two tablespoons of dried Licorice root and a cup of fresh water. Boil the water and put the Licorice root in the boiled water. Let it soak for fifteen minutes. Drink the Licorice tea twice a daily. It relieves the airways during the contraction and expansion of the throat muscles. Throat irritation and inflammation can also be reduced with regular consumption of licorice tea.
  • Bromelain
    Bromelain is an important enzyme which is found in pineapple. Pineapple works well as a cough remedy. It reduces the cough and mucus in your throat. You can eat slices of pineapple or drink fresh pineapple juice twice daily.
    Bromelain treats allergies and sinusitis. People who take blood thinners must not take Bromelain supplements.This is one of the best chronic cough remedies.
  • Peppermint
    Peppermint contains menthol which works as a powerful decongestant. It is known for its healing properties. Add few drops of peppermint oil in a tub of hot water. Put a towel around your head and inhale above the peppermint vapors. You can even drink peppermint tea to soothe the throat.
  • Marshmallow
    Marshmallow is a perennial flower which is a good remedy for a chronic cough. Mucilage present in marshmallow reduces throat irritation. You can drink marshmallow tea or take it in capsule form. Marshmallow tea suppresses a cough and relieves a sore throat. However, usage of marshmallow isn’t recommended for children.
  • Salt and water gargle
    Add a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water. Take a gallon of water and rinse it in your mouth. Gargling regularly clears the irritated throat mucus.
  • Ginger peppermint
    Take minced ginger, dried peppermint, honey, and water. Add the chopped ginger and peppermint to 4 cups of water and boil them. Keep it on simmer until the same reduces to half. Allow the liquid to cool and then add honey to it. Take 4-5 tablespoon of the ginger peppermint liquid few times a day.
  • Thyme
    The thyme leaves contain flavonoids – compounds which relax the throat muscles. Take two teaspoons of ground thyme leaves and boil them in a cup of water. Allow it to simmer for few minutes. Sip the thyme tea several times throughout the day. Thyme is popular for its properties to relieve short-term bronchitis and respiratory ailments. This is one of the best chronic cough remedies.
  • Steam
    Inhaling steam is an effective remedy for a chronic cough. It clears cold and congestion. Steam also clears mucous and phlegm caused by the prolonged cough. Take few drops of tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil. Put a bowl of water to boil. Once the water starts boiling add the mixture of above oils in the boiled water. Drape a towel over your head and inhale the vapors of the oil mixture. Try the method at least for ten minutes twice a day.
    Be careful when taking the steam. Don’t lean too close to the hot water bowl. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of the essential oils relieve a cough. They open the airways and nasal passage and reduce blocking.
  • Probiotics
    Probiotics can be defined as the microorganisms which have great health benefits. Lactobacillus, a probiotic which is found in milk products prevents the occurrence of flu, cold and offers protection against allergens. You can take fortified milk, yogurt and sourdough bread for probiotic intake. Probiotic supplements can also be included in daily diet.

Apart from the chronic cough remedies, you must follow certain precautions to prevent the occurrence of a chronic cough:

  • Drink lots of water and juice to stay hydrated.
  • While sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth to prevent the spreading of bacteria.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Don’t come in frequent contact with sick people.
  • Keep your surroundings at home and workplace clean.
  • You can try the above chronic cough remedies if you don’t want to try the over-the-counter medications. These herbal remedies give wonderful results to treat a chronic cough.

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