Effective Tips to Get Rid of Body Odor Naturally

Effective Tips to Get Rid of Body Odor Naturally

Do you suffer from extreme body odor and does it makes you feel self-conscious? If yes, this article will provide you with information on how to get rid of body odor naturally.

It is unpleasant to not smell good. Not only does it make us conscious but also affects our confidence. Some of the common causes of bad body odor are systematic deficiencies within the body, stress, sweating, menstruation, yeast infections, etc. Fortunately, by incorporating the below-mentioned tips, one can get rid of body odor and reverse the condition.

Personal hygiene
Bathe or shower regularly –
Body odor is caused by bacteria reacting with sweat produced by the sweat glands. Thus, it is important to shower regularly using a gentle, plant-oil based, or anti-bacterial soap.

Wear fresh cotton clothes –  Natural fiber clothing allows the skin to breathe, thus reducing the amount of odor. Although while exercising, using synthetic materials is acceptable, but it is always good to shower after a workout and change into the natural fibers.

Avoid wearing closed footwear for long periods – Closed footwear does not allow the feet to breathe. This gives rise to body odor as the sweat gets locked in non-breathable materials.

Quit smoking and tobacco – Smoking generates production of free radicals which are very harmful to the body. Regular smoking and chewing of tobacco lead to bacteria formation on the skin, which later emits bad body odor.

Drink water –  Drinking lots of water is the best remedy to get rid of body odor. An excellent solvent, water helps in flushing out toxins from the body and prevents bacteria formation in the intestines. One should have around 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to keep the skin healthy, glowing, and hydrated.

Always opt for natural antiperspirants, even when store-bought. Opt for natural products as these would help in naturally getting rid of body odor.

Natural body odor remedies
Tomatoes – 
Natural antiseptic, tomatoes are known to kill odor-causing bacteria. Ayurveda suggests bathing in the juice of 7–8 tomatoes to get rid of bad body odor. One can also consider drinking a glass tomato juice to get rid of those smelly armpits.

Lemon juice –  Acidic in nature, lemon juice helps in reducing skin’s pH level thus killing the breeding ground of odor-causing bacteria. Lemon juice can also be used by people with sensitive skin. Just rub half a lemon on the armpits and let it rest for 10 minutes. Repeat this activity twice a day and along with body odor, you will also see the darkness fading away.

Witch hazel –  Known for its astringent properties, witch hazel helps in contracting pores of the skin and helps reduce sweat production. Therefore, whenever the body becomes become smelly, use witch hazel on the moist areas to get that fresh smell.

Baking soda and cornstarch –  This mixture works well for all skin types. Cornstarch, like baking soda, is highly absorbent in nature. Making a mixture of these two and using it regularly can help get rid of body odor. All you need to do is mix the two ingredients in equal proportions and apply the same on dry and clean underarms or other sweaty areas. You can leave this mixture on for extended protection. Remember, this remedy also works as a natural substitute for deodorants and is an excellent option when you want to keep the dirty smell away.

Apple cider vinegar – A natural bacteria-fighting ingredient, AVC balances the PH-levels of the skin and eliminates bad body odor. Use a cotton ball to apply apple cider vinegar on problematic areas and leave it for 2–3 minutes.

Tea tree oil – This oil has antiseptic and natural antibacterial properties. An excellent alternative to deodorant, you can make your own concoction by mixing two drops of tea-tree oil in two tablespoons of water. Mix the two well and apply the mixture using a cotton ball on body parts that sweat excessively. It is best to store the mixture in a spray bottle and use it as and when required.

Sage –  A fragrant herb, sage is loaded with antibacterial properties that help remove bacteria growing on the skin. All you need is two tablespoons of dried sage and four cups of hot water. Mix sage in the water and let the mixture rest for 10 minutes. Use the mixture to rinse the troublesome area and see the smell making its way out of the window.

Rosemary – Rosemary battles bad odor competently. Rosemary consists of menthol and chlorophyll, these are well known for killing bacteria and fungi. You can prepare your own mixture by adding half a cup of rosemary in four cups of hot water and let it steep for 10 minutes. Mix this concoction with your bath water and let it soak for 15–20 minutes.

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