Effective Treatment Options to Cure Hemorrhoids

Effective Treatment Options to Cure Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are the swollen veins in the lowest portion of the rectum and anus; it causes rectal bleeding. Though it is not a life-threatening physical problem, it does cause pain and discomfort especially when you pass stools. It can be easily treated and cured with certain home remedies, non-invasive, and invasive procedures.

How to cure hemorrhoids with different methods?
Home remedies
You can get relief from mild pain, inflammation, and swelling with certain home remedies. Sometimes, these are all you need when you’re searching for how to cure hemorrhoids.

High-fiber foods: Start eating more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains since these have a high fiber content. These foods help in softening the stool as well as increases its quantity. This is the best way to cure hemorrhoids and to avoid strain which can aggravate the existing symptoms of hemorrhoids. However, you must slowly add fiber to your diet to avoid the formation of gas.

Regular soaking and sitz bath: Take some warm water and soak your anal area into it for 10–15 minutes, three times a day. Get yourself a sitz bath which easily fits onto the toilet bowl to cure hemorrhoids.

Topical treatments: You can choose to apply an over-the-counter cream or suppository which contains hydrocortisone. You can also use witch hazel pads or any pads containing a numbing agent to cure hemorrhoids.

Avoid dry toilet papers: After every trip to the bathroom, use non-perfumed and no-alcohol wet or moist toilet paper or towelettes to clean the anal area to cure hemorrhoids.

Keep the anal area clean: You must always keep the anal area clean. Thus, bathe or take a shower every day with warm water and ensure to gently clean the skin around the anus. Never use perfumed or alcohol-based wipes. Gently pat the area to dry or use a hairdryer for the same. Maintaining hygiene is one of the best methods if you are wondering how to cure hemorrhoids.

Oral medication for pain relief: Take acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin to get temporary pain relief.

Cold treatment: A cold compress and an ice pack can be used to alleviate anus swelling to get relief from and to cure hemorrhoids.

Other methods on how to cure hemorrhoids include:
External hemorrhoid thrombectomy
In the case of a clot formation around the external hemorrhoids, get it removed by your doctor. He would do a simple incision and drainage procedure which would provide instant relief. To get the best result out of the procedure, get it done within 72 hours of developing the blood clot.

Minimally invasive procedures such as the following can also be used to cure hemorrhoids. If you are suffering from painful and persistent bleeding hemorrhoids, the doctor may suggest you one of the following minimally invasive procedures. These treatments do not need anesthesia and can be done in your doctor’s chamber or an outpatient setting.

Rubber band ligation:  This process involves the doctor to tie hemorrhoid at its base with one or two rubber bands to cut off the circulation of blood to the hemorrhoid. Hemorrhoid would wither and fall off in less than a week. Hemorrhoid banding is a little uncomfortable and may cause bleeding at times. This may occur after two to four days of the procedure; however, it is not so severe. Serious complications may occur occasionally.

Injection (sclerotherapy): The doctor would inject a certain chemical solution into your hemorrhoid tissue to shrink it. This procedure is a painless one but is less effective than the rubber band ligation method.

Coagulation (laser, infrared, or bipolar): In this technique, heat, infrared light, or laser is used. These make small and bleeding internal hemorrhoids to shrivel and harden. Though this does not have many side effects, it causes little discomfort immediately after the procedure. Moreover, the chances of hemorrhoids recurrence are more than the rubber band treatment.

Surgical procedures, such as the following, are also available to cure hemorrhoids.
If other remedies or treatment procedures failed to provide relief or if there are a fairly large number of hemorrhoids, then one would need to undergo a surgical procedure. The same can be done in an outpatient setting and may require an overnight stay at the hospital.

Hemorrhoid removal: Hemorrhoidectomy is the name of the procedure that involves your surgeon to remove the excessive tissues that cause constant bleeding. The surgery may need you to be on a local anesthetic in combination with sedatives, a general anesthetic, or a spinal anesthetic. This is the most effective and comprehensive treatment procedure to treat recurring or severe hemorrhoids. The patient may feel temporary difficulty while urinating and suffer from urinary tract infections as well. Most people suffer from pain after the surgery. To deal with the same, medications can be taken. Moreover, taking a warm bath would also help.

Hemorrhoid stapling: This procedure, also known as stapled hemorrhoidopexy or stapled hemorrhoidectomy, blocks the blood flow to the hemorrhoidal tissue. This surgery is performed for internal hemorrhoids only. It involves less pain and allows the patient to get back to regular activities early as compared to a hemorrhoidectomy. However, stapling involves a great risk of rectal prolapsed and relapse. Urinary retention, pain, and bleeding are some of the expected complications from this procedure. Sepsis rarely occurs which is a life-threatening blood infection.

It is crucial to seek medical consultation as soon as you find out that you have hemorrhoids to avoid further discomfort and complications.

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