Ensure diabetes blood sugar control with these lifestyle changes

Ensure diabetes blood sugar control with these lifestyle changes

Diabetes is a condition that has affected a large population of the United States and continues to spread rapidly. There are several causes that can be blamed for this and these include unhealthy eating habits, irregular sleeping habits, lack of physical exercise, and more. Diabetes is a disease that triggers the sugar or glucose level in the bloodstream and it is essential to manage diabetes through blood sugar control.

The high blood glucose level can be the consequence of an inadequate production of insulin or inability of the body’s cells to respond to the produced insulin. It is also possible for a person to be suffering from both the occurrences. There are several symptoms that indicate that a person may be suffering from diabetes. An individual may begin to experience sudden weight gain or weight loss, tingling in the fingers and feet, the need to frequently urinate, tiredness, and a constant feeling of hunger and thirst. When a person suffers from a cut or injury, diabetes tends to delay and slow down the natural process of healing; this can be considered as the worst symptom of diabetes. This leads to other complicated conditions such as the formation of gangrene that may also be life-threatening.

Once a person is diagnosed with diabetes, it is necessary to manage diabetes through blood sugar control or the condition can become worse. There are different types of diabetes and these include Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Prediabetes, and Gestational diabetes. While the first three kinds of diabetes can affect anybody gestational diabetes is one in which the blood sugar increases and affects pregnant women.

A diabetic patient may be at a higher risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease. Thus, it is essential to eat healthy and monitor blood pressure and cholesterol levels regularly to avoid complications.  Although oral medication and insulin shots are necessary, there are ways that can aid in diabetes blood sugar control and these are as follows:

Drink water regularly – Drinking enough water aids in the overall health of a person’s body. Keeping one’s self-hydrated helps in balancing the sugar levels in the body. Not only does it prevent dehydration but helps is flushing out the excess glucose in blood through urine. Drinking other beverages in place of water can increase blood sugars levels, thus, it is necessary to keep away from sweetened or artificially drinks.

Stay away from stress – Today, the stress levels that people suffer from has increased due to the kind of lifestyle people live. It is not easy to control stress, however, it is very important has it can have a very bad effect on blood sugar levels. When an individual undergoes stress, the body secretes hormones such as cortisol and glucagon. These hormones cause the glucose level to shoot up instantly. Practicing relaxing activities such as yoga and engaging in stress-busters will help.

Keep the body active – Exercise not only keeps the body fit but also aids in diabetes blood sugar control. One should make it a habit to engage in regular exercise as it increases the sensitivity of insulin. This leads to the cells in the body to effectively absorb the sugar from the bloodstream and control the sugar level. Also, exercising helps in exerting the body and causes the muscles to absorb the blood sugar for energy. One should consult the doctor before engaging in any kind of exercise. However, exercise forms such as walking, cycling, and swimming are safe and effective.

Eat fibrous foods – Increasing one’s fiber intake is an effective way of diabetes blood sugar control. Fiber is believed to absorb the sugars that are present in the bloodstream. Fibers can be classified into two types i.e., soluble and insoluble. While insoluble fibers are important in proportion, soluble fibers have a greater effect in the process of lowering blood glucose levels. Consuming fibrous foods such as various vegetables are a good choice.

Reduce the intake of carbohydrates – The first thing that a doctor may instruct after the diagnosis of diabetes is to reduce the intake of foods that a heavy on carbohydrates. The carbs that are consumed are broken down into sugars that are moved into the cells of the body by the insulin. Moreover, going on a low-carb diet can also reduce the risk of high blood sugar and prevent the condition of diabetes in the long run.

Lower body weight – High body weight can have a very bad effect on cholesterol levels and diabetes is no stranger. Promoting healthy body weight keeps the blood sugar levels healthy while also letting one stay away from the risk of developing diabetes over the years. It is necessary to maintain a body weight that is healthy and does not trigger health problems.

Get quality sleep – Getting enough sleep keeps the body healthy and stress-free. Sleep is not a luxury but a necessity and one cannot compromise on the same. It is one the best ways to ensure diabetes blood sugar control over time. Depriving the body of sleep can lead to the release of hormones such as cortisol and promote the risk of weight gain.

Inculcating these lifestyle changes will aid in effective diabetes blood sugar control.

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