Everything You Need to Know About Treatment of Impotence

Everything You Need to Know About Treatment of Impotence

Impotence is a common problem that men around the world face. While it is not a life-threatening condition, it hampers the patient’s quality of life. Here are some of the best options for treatment of impotence.

Erectile dysfunction is characterized by the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection during intercourse. In general, men over the age of 40 years are susceptible to this condition. Impotency is often caused as a result of various diseases such as multiple sclerosis, vascular diseases, kidney diseases, neurological diseases, endocrine disorders, diabetes, and blood pressure.  More than 70 percent of men who suffer from the medical conditions, also report impotency. Men who are diabetic are more susceptible to impotency. Other causes of impotency include any penile injury, hormonal disorder, narrowing of blood vessels caused as a result of standing for a long time, and high blood cholesterol.

Treatment of impotence is recommended after proper diagnosis of the physical, hormonal, and psychological problems that go hand-in-hand with this condition. The following are different ways that help in the treatment of impotence.

  • Weight Loss

Obesity increases the risk of developing erectile dysfunction, and hence the first step towards treatment of impotence is losing weight. Men who are over-weight are more likely to develop medical conditions such as high cholesterol, diabetes, heart diseases, atherosclerosis, etc. which are factors that encourage the development of impotency.

  • Psychological Counseling

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused due to high levels of stress, anxiety or depression. In such situations it is recommended to seek help from a professional counselor or therapist who can guide the patient correctly for the treatment of impotence.

  • Medication

Treatment of impotence is done with the use of various prescribed pills. Certain medicines are either injected into the penis or need to be inserted inside the tip of the penis. Medicines such as Sildenafil (Viagra), Svanafil (Stendra), Verdenafil (Levitra, Staxyn), and Tadalafil (Cialis) are often prescribed for treatment of impotence. These medicines may also cause certain mild side effects such as muscle ache or a stuffy nose.

  • Penile Vacuum Devices

Vacuum devices are designed to help men produce an erection in a safe non-surgical way. A vacuum device comprises of a plastic cylinder and a hand pump. When the vacuum is placed over the penis, air is pumped out which creates a vacuum allowing blood to be drawn into the penis which helps in getting an erection. This is one of the safest and most typical form of treatment for impotence.

  • Penile Implants

Penile implants consist of semi-rigid or inflatable rods which are surgically placed in the penis. The implants help in controlling the erection of the penis and its duration. The semi-rigid rods in the implants help the penis to be firm but yet flexible. Although this method has been proven to be successful among plenty of men, penile implants are generally not recommended in the treatment of impotence as they increase the risk of contracting other infections.

  • Surgical Repair

Surgery to repair the damaged blood vessels is recommended during diagnosis in cases where impotency is caused due to leaking blood vessels or any obstruction in the blood. In this form of treatment of impotence, vascular stenting or maybe even a bypass procedure may be utilized.

  • Changes in Lifestyle

One of the most effective ways of treatment of impotence is bringing about a conscious change in the lifestyle choices you have been making. This includes avoiding alcohol, introducing a healthy diet, and quitting smoking. Studies have reported that such changes can drastically improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction without having to visit the doctor frequently.

Erectile dysfunction is triggered by various factors such as personal relationship problems, excessive stress, certain medications or a health conditions, consumption of alcohol, smoking or even drugs. Treatment of impotence generally includes medicines, and only serious cases involve surgery. However, there are non-invasive treatments available that help by reducing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Therefore it is wise to have a sound knowledge of the methods of treatment of impotence in order to seek the right treatment. Patients should not hesitate to seek help from a doctor as there is a wide range of treatments for impotence that may help better your condition and even enable you to lead a normal sexual life.

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