Foods that Provide Best Eye Vitamins

Foods that Provide Best Eye Vitamins

One of the most important organs of our body is our eyes. Rising exposure to radiation, pollution, working for long hours results in excessive stress on eyes. One of the common eye problems faced by youngsters today is blurring eyesight caused due to excessive stress on eyes. Along with blurring eyesight, people often suffer from burning eyes sensation, watery eyes, itchy eyes and other eye ailments. Our sedentary lifestyle and lack of accurate sleep cycle are one of the prime reasons for people suffering from eye ailments.

In addition to this, food intake to plays a crucial role when it comes to maintaining eye health. People today are glued to their laptops, television, phone, tablet and other radiation exposing lights. The lights exposed through these gadgets directly affect the sharpness of the eyes thereby resulting in blurred eye vision. However, with proper care and a healthy diet, one can maintain a healthy eyesight. Following are food with best eye vitamins which will help in maintaining a healthy eyesight.

  • Seafood

Foods that are rich in omega-3 are highly recommended for maintaining a healthy eyesight. Seafood namely salmon, tuna, sardine, and mackerel have a high omega-3 value, which are best vitamins for eyes. These omega-3 fatty acids work against dry eyes, macular degeneration and also work towards avoiding cataract formation in the eyes. If you avoid or are allergic to seafood then you can opt for fish supplements which are available in the market. If not even fish supplements, then you can go for black currant seed oil or flaxseed oil.

  • Leafy vegetables

We have been frequently suggested by doctors that a regular intake of leafy vegetables will ensure a good eyesight even in your aging years. To maintain good eyesight a sufficient intake of vitamins namely lutein and zeaxanthin are mandatory. Leafy vegetables namely spinach, kale, and collard greens are full of these vitamins and hence need to be regularly consumed. Eyes also need certain anti-oxidants to help maintain accurate vision clarity. Foods namely green peas, avocados, and broccoli work as anti-oxidants for eyes.

  • Eggs

Eggs work as a natural remedy not just for eyes but also for other body ailments. Eggs contain a high amount of lutein and Vitamin A which are necessary vitamins for good eyesight. For people suffering from night blindness and dry and watery eyes, eggs need to be a mandatory inclusion in your regular diet.

  • Grains and cereals

Blurring vision if not taken care of at the right juncture might worsen with age at times leading to complete blindness. A regular intake of whole grains and cereals in your diet will help in keeping blurring of eyes at bay. Include healthy carbohydrates in your daily diet in the form of brown bread, quinoa, and whole grain bread. Foods with low glycemic value help in avoiding risks of age-related eyesight ailments.

  • Fruits and berries

Vitamin C is one of the best eye vitamins which are required to maintain a healthy eye-sight. Fruits rich in Vitamin C namely lemon, oranges, grapes and berries need to be consumed on a regular basis to avoid any eye ailments in near future. In addition to this, research has found out that the nutritional value of these fruits helps in reducing the risk of cataracts.

  • Dry fruits

People who avoid consumption of eggs and seafood can include dry fruits like almonds, pistachios, and walnuts in your daily diet. Doctors always consult on having at least a handful of these mixed dry fruits not just for maintaining eye health but for a wholesome immune system. Dry fruits are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which work towards boosting eyesight, thereby maintaining good eye health.

  • Sunflower seeds

Apart from omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin C, to maintain a healthy eyesight, one needs to also concentrate on sufficient intake of zinc and Vitamin E. Regular intake of sunflower seeds, which have the nutritious value of zinc and Vitamin C which helps keep macular degeneration at bay.

  • Beef

Age-related eye ailments need special care and a planned diet to help cure these ailments. Foods rich in Vitamin A help in reducing risk caused by macular degeneration. A sufficient proportion of lean beef in your daily diet will help in avoiding age-related eye ailments thereby maintaining good eyesight.

  • Speak with an eye expert.

To avoid undergoing any medication people tend to avoid visiting the doctor and tend to aggravate their condition. Medical issues associated with eye sight if treated in nascent stages will help in avoiding surgeries. Always consult a doctor before using any form of external medication as it will hamper your eyesight. In serious cases, people attempting self medication had to undergo surgeries to normalize their eyesight.  For people with presbyopia, or age-related blurry near vision, doctors may prescribe VUITY™ (pilocarpine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution) 1.25%. It’s an FDA-approved eye drop designed to treat presbyopia in adults. It works by reducing the size of the pupil, which enables the eyes to focus objects that are close. VUITY™ is usually used once a day, one drop in each eye. Some common side effects include eye redness and headache.

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