Foods to Avoid if You Have Arthritis

Foods to Avoid if You Have Arthritis

Arthritis, in simple language, refers to joint disease causing joint pain. Arthritis is not a single disease; doctors have been able to discover more than 100 types of arthritis. Arthritis is not age-specific, which means it can happen to anyone, at any age, any sex, and any race. In America, it is the major cause of disability where more than 300,000 children and 50 million adults suffer from arthritis. The body of a person suffering from arthritis is in an inflammatory state. Certain foods are to be avoided with arthritis as they not only increase inflammation but also push the person towards obesity and other chronic diseases such as heart attack and disabilities. Even though arthritis does not have a specific diet cure, certain foods to avoid with arthritis have shown to trigger inflammation, affect bones, and damage the immune system. There are different kinds of food that have the ability to promote or control inflammation. When anti-inflammatory food options are made a part of daily diet, pain resulting due to arthritis can be crushed to a great extent.

Certain inflammation triggers in foods that can lead to arthritis and attached pain and swelling. Here is a list of foods to avoid with arthritis.

Fried and processed foods – Researchers have proved that by lowering consumption of fried food and frozen meals, inflammation can be reduced and natural defenses of the body can be restored.

Red meat – Red meat is loaded saturated fats well as omega-6 fatty acids and can trigger inflammation. This food should be avoided if you have arthritis. Patients have reported that after avoiding red meat, they have noticed a drastic improvement in the symptoms.

Sugar and refined carbs – High sugar level results in inflammation. It is best to avoid processed food, candies, cakes as well as cold drinks loaded with soda.

A type of protein, grains such as barley, wheat and rye trigger inflammation in patients who are allergic to gluten. Patients suffering from autoimmune disorders such as RA and celiac disease should avoid foods high in gluten content. Gluten causes the joints inflammation in some patients. Gluten is one of the foods to avoid with arthritis.

Dairy products – Protein intake also contributes to arthritis pain. People who are allergic to milk or milk products can experience severe plan. Thus, it is advised to switch to a vegan diet and eat nut butter, spinach, lentils, tofu, beans, and quinoa as these are enriched with essential proteins.

Alcohol and tobacco – Consumption of alcohol and tobacco are injurious to health. Their consumption leads to severe health problems including arthritis. Smokers are prone to developing rheumatoid arthritis. It is best advised to quit alcohol and tobacco use in order to keep severe health diseases at bay.

Although there are certain foods to avoid with arthritis, some foods help people suffering from arthritis to manage and reduce the pain. And here are some of the best foods for arthritis.

Fish – There are certain types of fish which are a storehouse of inflammation-fighting omega-3 acids. Doctors recommend having 3 to 4 ounces of fish in order to lower the risk of arthritis.

Extra virgin olive oil – A super-oil, extra virgin olive oil is loaded omega-3s with heart-healthy fats as well as oleocanthal. Regular consumption of olive oil has shown a drastic drop in cholesterol and 5thus is known as super oil.

Soy – Soybeans are high in protein and fiber and low in fat, thus making it an ideal superfood for patients suffering from arthritis.

Cherries – Studies reveal that cherries help in reducing the frequency of gout attacks. Anthocyanin found in cherries have an anti-inflammatory effect and help in easing joint pain. Red and purple fruits like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are also full of anthocyanin.

Broccoli – Enriched with sulforaphane, broccoli is rich in vitamins K and C, and helps in slowing progression of arthritis. Since it is also rich in calcium, broccoli is known for its bone-building benefits.

Green tea – Filled with antioxidants and polyphenols, green tea helps in reducing inflammation, thus lowering cartilage destruction. Green tea is also effective in blocking the production of joint pain-causing molecules in people suffering from arthritis.

Citrus – Citrus fruits like limes, grapefruits and oranges are rich in vitamin C. it is advised to consume citrus fruits in the right amount to prevent inflammatory arthritis.

Beans – Power packed with fibers, beans help in lowering CRP. An expensive source of protein, beans help in providing muscle strength to patients of arthritis. There are different kinds of beans which are rich in magnesium, zinc folic acid, iron, and potassium. Beans have an overall impact on heart and immune system.

Whether you are suffering from an inflammatory or non-inflammatory type of arthritis, it is best recommended to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe proper treatment options.  RINVOQ® (upadacitinib) is one such treatment option to be taken once daily to curb symptoms in adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. The prescription is also given to those with active psoriatic arthritis.

A nutritious food regime will help ease the pain and ensure mobility of joints. It is best to avoid nightshade vegetables as they have seen to increase the pain in patients suffering from arthritis. Along with the foods to avoid with arthritis, it is also important to learn some stress-reduction techniques including relaxation skills, deep breathing, meditation, and yoga.

A popular treatment option for arthritis is the Voltaren arthritis pain gel. The pain relief gel can help improve one’s mobility and relieve soreness and stiffness. People with arthritis can use Voltaren gel regularly to carry out everyday tasks with ease.

People with arthritis may also consider using acetaminophen for rapid pain relief after consulting a doctor. Acetaminophen can treat mild to moderate headaches, muscle aches, backaches, and other conditions. It helps relieve osteoarthritis pain too.

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