Have You Tried these Natural Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes?

Have You Tried these Natural Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes?

Learn more about the herbs, supplements, and alternative treatment methods that form part of the natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes refers to a group of diseases in which elevated glucose (blood sugar) levels in your body occurs due to deficiency or ineffective use of the hormone insulin. There are two types of this disease– Type 1 and Type 2. In Type 2 diabetes, your body does produce insulin, but it is either not adequate enough or not used efficiently to ensure proper functioning. It is important that any type of diabetes is promptly treated by a doctor, as in the absence of treatment your diabetes can cause serious health complications.  

Seeking medical help to treat Type 2 diabetes is vital; but you can also consider trying some natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes. An increasing number of people are trying such remedies to battle their diabetes symptoms the natural way, and many studies done in recent years have shown potential links between the use of such natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes and improvement in blood sugar levels. Here are some of the natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes that can be effective in maintaining desired levels of glucose in your blood.


Several studies indicate that taking chromium supplements can help insulin work well. It has been found that chromium improves glucose tolerance in people with Type 2 diabetes, and may also help reduce your risk of developing heart diseases.

American Ginseng

The consumption of this herbal remedy was found to lower blood sugar levels in people who have Type 2 diabetes. However, further research is needed to establish American ginseng as one of the sure shot natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes.


Bilberries contain flavonoids called anthocyanosides, which are strong antioxidants that can strengthen the capillaries in your body. In addition, these anthocyanosides may also improve blood flow and prevent your blood vessels from thickening (which may be caused by Type 2 diabetes). You can talk to your doctor about taking bilberry extract to manage Type 2 diabetes naturally.

Aloe Vera

Some controlled human trials have found that aloe vera may be effective in lowering blood sugar in Type 2 diabetes patients. The aloe vera plant is known for its calming and healing properties, and has been used as an herbal medicine for thousands of years. It can also reduce swelling and aid in faster healing of any injury. If you are looking for natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes, drinking aloe vera juice in the right quantities can be effective in easing your symptoms.


Another one of the ancient herbal remedies, cinnamon can be effective in treating Type 2 diabetes too. There have been test tube studies done, which show that this common spice can enhance the action of insulin in your body. However, the use of cinnamon as an effective natural treatment for Type 2 diabetes is yet to be established in clinical trials.


Cayenne pepper contains a pungent substance called capsaicin, which is used in a number of creams and ointments. This substance, when applied topically, can help reduce nerve pain caused by diabetes (diabetic neuropathy).


A commonly-found ingredient in Asian kitchens, fenugreek is considered to be one of the natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes as some trials showed that it can help improve glucose levels in diabetes patients. One human study discovered that consuming fenugreek can aid in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels in people who have Type 2 diabetes.


Quite often, it is found that people who have Type 2 diabetes have low magnesium levels. The intake of magnesium supplements can help combat this deficiency. It has been found that magnesium supplements improve the production of insulin in elderly people with Type 2 diabetes. The effect of magnesium on diabetes is still being studied and is a topic of much debate, but you can discuss taking such supplements as one of the natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes.

You can also try alternative treatments like acupuncture, yoga, guided imagery, and biofeedback as natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes. However, remember to consult your doctor before using any herbal supplements, alternative therapies, or natural treatments for Type 2 diabetes, as certain herbs have the potential to interfere with your current medications.

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