Here Are 10 Ways on How to Cure ED Naturally

Here Are 10 Ways on How to Cure ED Naturally

As many as 30 million men in the country are affected by erectile dysfunction. The condition can be diagnosed when a person is constantly unable to reach or maintain an erection during sexual activity. If the condition lasts for more than a couple of weeks or months at a stretch, a person can be diagnosed with ED. While the most common cures for ED include prescription drugs, vacuum pumps, surgeries, and even implants, many patients look for natural cures for ED. Some of the most common options to cure ED naturally have been listed below.

Often ED is caused due to bad lifestyle choices. These may include regular smoking, an excess of alcohol consumption, inactivity, and the like. While keeping clean for some days may help cure ED naturally, exercising is a great option that is known to make several positive changes. Exercise not only improves physical health but also improves blood flow that is essential for a strong erection. Exercising regularly increases nitric oxide in the blood vessels and controls blood pressure. Many experts believe that exercising daily can have better effects than even Viagra. Apart from cardio, weight training is known to raise the production of testosterone which in turn also increases erectile strength and sex drive.

Sleep well
Often, a haphazard routine and a disturbed sleep schedule can adversely affect a person’s sex drive and may lead to erectile dysfunction. Poor sleep patterns are known to affect the testosterone levels in men resulting in a weak concentration of sex hormones. One of the best answers on how to cure ED naturally would be to improve your sleep pattern, stick to a stringent sleep routine and adapt your body clock accordingly.

Reduce stress
Several emotional and psychological factors are responsible for the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. Similarly, stress regarding work, finances, and relationship troubles may be the real cause of ED. One of the ways to cure ED naturally would be finding ways to reduce the stress that can further improve ED.

Dietary changes
It is but the fact that the food we eat directly affects the body. Erectile dysfunction can also be triggered if the sufferer maintains a bad diet for a prolonged period. A balanced diet full of all the essential nutrients can help keep ED at bay. Including certain foods like vegetables, whole grains, fish, and lean white meat decrease the possibility of ED. Eliminating red meat and refined grains and processed foods can also help cure ED naturally. Additionally, maintaining a healthy body weight is also required to avoid ED issues.

Q uit smoking for good
Vascular diseases can be a direct cause of erectile dysfunction as the blood supply to the penis becomes limited as a result of narrowing or blockage of the arteries. Smoking causes the blood vessels to become narrow which further causes ED. To quit smoking is one of the safest bets to cure ED naturally.

Keep a tab on alcohol
Regular and long-term alcohol consumption of alcohol limits the supply of nitric oxide from the central nervous system causing a reduced erection. Since alcohol is known to be a depressant, it can lead to temporary or prolonged ED. To cure this condition, it is important that you limit the alcohol.

Monitor your medicine consumption
Often drug side effects can be the cause of erectile dysfunction. Commonly anti-depressants, blood pressure medicines, heart medications, hormone meds, chemotherapy, etc. are the drugs that can lead to ED. In case you feel your drugs are behind ED, it is important to consult a doctor to find a solution.

Some research on the efficiency of acupuncture proves that the therapy can be helpful in men with erectile dysfunction. Acupuncture is known to reverse the side effects of anti-depressants and helps cure ED.

Have pomegranate juice
Fresh pomegranate juice is a healthy antioxidant that can reduce and prevent atherosclerosis. Regular consumption of freshly made juice can improve the condition and help to cure ED naturally.

Other herbal remedies
Several herbal plants prove helpful in fighting ED by increasing the production of nitric oxide that further improves blood flow. Panax ginseng or red ginseng or herbal Viagra is known to cure ED naturally. The herb has anti-inflammatory properties that are also effective in improving lung and blood flow. Another useful herb that helps cure erectile dysfunction and sexual function in men is a herbal supplement called Rhodiola Rosea. The herb also revitalizes men and reduces fatigue and lethargy. However, more research and studies are required to ascertain the effectiveness of Rhodiola Rosea. Horny goat weed or epimedium is another naturally occurring component that is known to enhance sexual performance. However, some studies reveal the ill effects of the herb. It is therefore important to consult a doctor before using any of these herbs or supplements.

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